World of Warcraft's next expansion is nearing. Shadowlands, which will send World of Warcraft's heroes into the land of the dead, is on track to release in Q4 2020. Blizzard is expected to announce more and more about Shadowlands in the weeks and months to come, but for now information is relatively scant. The latest reveal for Shadowlands looks into one of the expansion's six new regions, Ardenweald.

Of Shadowlands' six new regions, Ardenweald is one of the four zones that players will explore during their leveling experience. As World of Warcraft players are now familiar with, expansions tend to have four leveling and questing zones for player to go through at their own pace. Then, at max level, more zones open up for endgame purposes. As such, Ardenweald will be full of short questlines and story, focusing on building up to bigger ideas.

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In terms of lore, Ardenweald is an enchanted forest that's controlled by the Night Fae, a covenant akin to the Shakespearean fae. Creatures of the Ardenweald include Faeries, the dryad Vorkai, satyr Sylvar, Spriggans, the powerful elder Tirnenn, the treant Drust, and mortal souls lingering in the nature-imbued region. The Sylvar may even be a potential Shadowlands allied race in the future.

night fae covenant armor

The Night Fae are led by the mysterious Winter Queen, who is faced with a decision. The Ardenweald is faced with a drought of anima, and the garden has begun to wither. She must choose which of the land's groves and creatures will receive the land's remaining rationed anima. Players are certain to find themselves intertwined in this decision, as well as the causes for the anima drought. Expect dark secrets to be discovered in Shadowlands.

Once players reach max level, they'll be given the option of joining the Covenant of the Night Fae. Through this Covenant, players will earn a variety of abilities and powers, as well as unique cosmetics. The Covenant also has a unique Sanctum that's only accessible to members.

Ardenweald is also home to one of World of WarcraftShadowlands' four "level up" dungeons, named Mists of Tirna Scithe. It's a grove that has gone mysteriously silent, notable even in the midst of the anima drought. Within the grove myriad invading forces await, from the Drust to more savage creatures of the fae.

Expect more news regarding World of Warcraft's upcoming Shadowlands expansion in the next few weeks.

World of Warcraft is available now on PC.

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