According to most World of Warcraft fans, Ruby Life Pools is easily the least-liked dungeon of Dragonflight so far, and one player even went so far as to avoid entering the instance altogether on their way to Mythic Keystone Master. While every World of Warcraft expansion had its iconic raids and dungeons, from Throne of Thunder in Mists of Pandaria, to Ulduar in Wrath of the Lich King, the opposite has certainly been true. Going through Kings' Rest in Battle for Azeroth during the expansion's inaugural season was an experience that many would want to forget, and Ruby Life Pools unfortunately has more in common with Kings' Rest than Mists of Tirna Scithe.

Even after the nerfs, Ruby Life Pools is still considered to be extremely tedious compared to the rest of the dungeons in Dragonflight. Given that Season 2 will put a focus on the other four instances that haven't yet made their Keystone debut, World of Warcraft players will be happy to see Ruby Life Pools removed from the roster – at least temporarily.

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A player named ProjectN0va took their dislike of Ruby Life Pools to an entirely new level and managed to earn the Keystone Master achievement for Dragonflight Season 1 without ever finishing a single Ruby Life Pools key. This feat was only possible after the rating system was introduced in the first major patch of Shadowlands, as prior to Season 2, World of Warcraft players were expected to complete all eight dungeons at Level 15 in time. To see the full link, click here.

Given that Ruby Life Pools notoriously took three hours to complete for a group of very unfortunate dungeon-delvers in Week 2 of Dragonflight Season 1, it's not a surprise that someone was dedicated enough to complete their Keystone Master achievement while ignoring the dungeon altogether. Unfortunately, as pointed out in the comments of ProjectN0va's thread, Ruby Life Pools has been a failure in terms of dungeon design compared to the high standards that players have come to expect from Blizzard.

Many of the problems were already noticed by the community during Dragonflight's beta, and have unfortunately persisted even on live servers. The new roster of dungeons in Dragonflight Season 2 could give Blizzard a chance to tinker with Ruby Life Pools and reintroduce a better version for Season 3. Though such a radical rework of a dungeon would be unprecedented, the developers have proven that they're willing to make the extra effort in Dragonflight, as the latest World of Warcraft expansion continues to prove that Blizzard's flagship game hasn't lost the faith of its fans.

World of Warcraft is available now for PC.

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