
  • Mists of Pandaria Remix in WoW offers fast-paced gameplay with exclusive rewards and straightforward currency gathering for fans preparing for The War Within.
  • Balance is abandoned in Mists of Pandaria Remix, opening doors for players to break the game in creative ways like speedrunning dungeons and killing essential NPCs.
  • Unique strategies, like using trial accounts and specific gear, can dramatically improve speedrunning times in Mists of Pandaria Remix, with potential for even faster runs with Demon Hunters.

Speedrunning in World of Warcraft has found new life in Mists of PandariaRemix, as a Monk player has completed the Temple of the Jade Serpent in just 50 seconds. Despite being a temporary game mode, World of Warcraft players have taken well to Mists of PandariaRemix. From leveling alts to grinding for cosmetics, it's a rewarding experience for any World of Warcraft fan, especially in preparation for The War Within. Not only does Mists of PandariaRemix have exclusive cosmetic rewards, but gathering the required currency is straightforward.

However, a big part of the appeal of the unique format for Mists of PandariaRemix is that it leaves balance behind, and embraces fun above all else. World of Warcraft players have been able to break the game in unimaginable ways, from overflowing the number cap on a Guardian Druid's shield, to killing essential NPCs like Baine Bloodhoof. Given the way scaling works in Mists of PandariaRemix, it was only a matter of time until someone took a stab at speedrunning the expansion's iconic dungeons.

World of Warcraft Players Break the Timeline By Killing Garrosh and Baine Early

Due to the wild power level in Mists of Pandaria Remix, a group of players cause a major butterfly effect in World of Warcraft by killing Garrosh.

A Monk player named Cemix managed to pull off a Temple of the Jade Serpent run in 50 seconds, posting the video on their YouTube channel. The brilliance of Cenix's attempt is twofold: by making use of a trial account to keep their Monk capped at Level 20, and by using a Cloak of Infinite Potential with over 10,000 threads under favorable scaling. Since the farming methods for Bronze in Mists of PandariaRemix are similar at Level 20 and at Level 70, Cemix managed to dramatically increase the damage potential of their Monk while keeping the enemies weak.

While their 50-second attempt is impressive, Cemix speculates that a Demon Hunter or even a Druid would be able to achieve a better time in the Temple of the Jade Serpent or other Mists of Pandaria dungeons. The Demon Hunter is World of Warcraft's most versatile class when it comes to movement abilities, and can feasibly skip the Temple of the Jade Serpent straight to the third boss. As such, a Demon Hunter attempt could feasibly complete the dungeon in 30 seconds or less, and Cemix has even considered leveling a Demon Hunter alt for that reason.

Mists of Pandaria Remix Characters Will Carry Over to The War Within

Mists of PandariaRemix ends on August 19, which means that World of Warcraft players only have a limited time to enjoy the insane power level given to them by the Cloak of Infinite Potential. Any alt leveled as a Remix character will get carried over into Warbands in The War Within, which is likely one of the major reasons Blizzard organized the event in the first place. However, it is important to note that their inventory will be wiped after Mists of PandariaRemix concludes, which essentially means that a Remix character's level is the only thing that carries over.