World of Warcraft's Noblegarden seasonal event includes plenty of rewards for players to earn during the event duration. Naturally, there is one item that players are clamoring for: the Noble Flying Carpet.

This special mount is extremely rare, however, and requires a little work before players have their chance to earn it. If you are looking to try and add the Noble Flying Carpet to your mount collection, this is how to do it.

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How to Get the Noble Flying Carpet


To get the Noble Flying Carpet, players must get a Loot-Filled Basket during the Noblegarden event, which will run until April 8. Thankfully, getting this item is simple.

To get the Loot-Filled Basket, you must complete the daily quest "Feathered Fiend," which starts when you loot the Noblegarden Trinket from Daetan Swiftplume, the event mini-boss. This elite mob can be found in two locations.

  • Elwynn Forest (Alliance) - in the bottom right corner of the zone at coordinates (30.6, 90.4)
  • Durotar (Horde) - Near Southfury Watershed at coordinates (44.6, 35.6)

Players must be level 60 to obtain the Loot-Filled Basket and have a chance of obtaining the Noble Flying Carpet mount.

To summon this mob, players will need to bring a golden egg to the nest, which will cause Daetan Swiftplume to spawn. This Noblegarden questline, which ends with this fight.

However, you do not need to complete the Noblegarden questline to get the Noblegarden Trinket; helping defeat this mini-boss will be enough to have the item drop. It's also not the most epic fight compared to what other players will have seen, but it's pretty straightforward and shouldn't be an issue. So long as other players are doing the quest and spawning the mob, players should get the item after defeating them.


After you defeat Daetan Swiftplume and get the Noblegarden Trinket, the quest will pop ready to accept. From there, players will need to take the item and turn in the quest to their respective NPCs, depending on their faction.

  • Zinnia Brooks (Alliance) - Found in Goldshire at coordinates (42,0, 65,0)
  • Sylnaria Fareflame (Horde) - Found in Razor Hill, Durotar at coordinates (52,6, 41.2)

After handing in the quest, players will get the Loot-Filled Basket reward, and then it is a case of hoping the item will drop from the basket, as this item has a 1% drop rate, making it extremely rare. On top of that, players can only complete this quest once a day, so if the item doesn't drop, players need to wait until the next day to try again.

Noblegarden Loot-Filled Basket Rewards


Along with the chance to get the Noble Flying Carpet, the Loot-Filled Basket also drops several other cosmetic items players can earn, which are listed below.

  • Brightly Colored Egg
  • Spring Reveler's Turquoise Pants
  • Spring Reveler's Turquoise Sun Hat
  • Spring Reveler's Turquoise Belt
  • Spring Reveler's Turquoise Boots
  • Spring Reveler's Turquoise Dress
  • Spring Reveler's Turquoise Attire
  • Noble Flying Carpet

As well as the Brightly Colored Egg item, which is a currency for the event. Players can use these to purchase rewards like battle pets and cosmetic items.

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World of Warcraft

November 23, 2004