As of now, World of Warcraft has 12 unique classes for players to choose. Most of the classes are broken down into three different specializations, though some classes only have two. Every other expansion has added a new class to the game; Wrath of the Lich King added Death Knights, Mists of Pandaria added Monks, and Legion added Demon Hunters. However, the past two expansions broke that trend, and Blizzard has not added a new class to World of Warcraft since 2016.

World of Warcraft's seventh expansion, Battle for Azeroth, chose to add six new races to play as instead of a new class. The usual trend would have meant that the eighth expansion, Shadowlands, would add a class; but Shadowlands came and there was no new class in sight. Now, World of Warcraft's ninth expansion looms on the horizon, and players are left wondering whether Blizzard will finally add a 13th class to the game or if the ninth expansion will skip it as well. There are so many fantasy classes that WoW could pull from, some of which would surely shakeup the meta.

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Dark Ranger

World of Warcraft's Sylvanas glares out from a Shadowlands screenshot.

World of Warcraft fans have been calling for the inclusion of dark ranger as a playable class for a long time now. Dark rangers are undead archers in service to the Forsaken or Sylvanas Windrunner, and they serve to manipulate their foes. They are made up of Quel'Thalas rangers that were forcibly raised as undead, and they enjoy inciting hatred within the enemy. They serve the Forsaken as elite agents or personal guards to Sylvanas, and while some of them joined Sylvanas when she betrayed the Horde, the majority stayed within the Horde.

As a playable class, the dark ranger could utilize bows, and their main focus could be as a ranged dps class. In lore, the majority of dark rangers are undead high elves and serve the Horde. There was one undead human dark ranger, Nathanos Blightcaller, so Blizzard could introduce undead humans to the Alliance so that both sides could experience the dark rangers. Blizzard could also come up with some reason why the Alliance has dark rangers amongst them; maybe the dark ranger class was adopted by some living beings. Whatever the case, the dark ranger as a ranged dps class has been called for by fans for years, and now is the time for Blizzard to deliver.


Mikael The Bard playing the lute

Almost every fantasy based property has bards in some form. In Dungeons & Dragons they are a playable class, in The Witcher they exist to annoy Geralt, they even exist in Final Fantasy 14 Online; World of Warcraft needs to follow suit. World of Warcraft has a decent amount of dps classes, with all three of the post-launch classes having a dps specialization. The game needs more support classes, and the addition of the bard could fix that.

Bards could play unlike any other class in the game, as they would spend their time humming musical tunes and playing their guitars as they buff the party. They could strum certain notes and raise other player's dps, health, and various abilities. They could also be given some powerful crowd control abilities, they strum a tune on their guitar that shatters the ear drums of their foes. This class could be a ton of fun to play, and it was teased as an April Fool's joke, so maybe Blizzard should turn that joke into reality.

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World of Warcraft Engineer

Currently, World of Warcraft allows players to pick up engineering as a profession for their characters. Engineering is a crafting based profession that allows players to craft many useful objects for themselves and their party. Players can craft mounts, mailboxes, armor, and the very popular Blingtron 5000. While the profession is useful, turning that profession into a full-fledged class would be even cooler.

An engineer class in World of Warcraft could be ripped right from the heroes of Warcraft 3: Reign of Chaos, which in that game were known as tinkers. Tinkers could utilize inventions as spells and abilities; instead of casting spells, the tinker would place down objects. These objects could be turrets, bombs, helpful robots, and healing drones. The class could work similar to Torbjorn from Overwatch, with a fantasy skin placed on it. This would be a perfect class for gnomes and goblins to take up, and could be a lot of fun to mess around with.


wow afterlives cinematic

In World of Warcraft Shadowlands, players met the afterlife of Revendreth, a zone that took inspiration from gothic fantasy and vampire tales. The NPCs of the zone looked very much like vampires, even if they were not called vampires. In the ninth expansion, players will be leaving the Shadowlands for some unknown zones, and Blizzard should let them bring some stuff with them - mainly the ability to become a vampire.

A vampire would be a weird class to add, but one that could be a lot of fun and unique. It could be another hero class like demon hunters and death knights, with a focus on dps and self-heal. Vampires could be a one-handed sword specialist class who utilizes biting mechanics to heal itself, while damaging the enemy. They could also have a special flying form that turns them into a bat, much like how the druids can switch into different forms.


World of Warcraft Magic

World of Warcraft has a couple of magic-focused classes, but no classes that specifically exist to stop those magic users. The spellbreaker could take inspiration from the Warcraft 3: Reign of Chaos' blood elf anti-magic units of the same name. Their main focus would be to stop magic units from casting spells, making it perfect to fight against raid bosses and players alike.

The spellbreaker could have a couple of different specializations and be allowed to use the majority of weapons. There could be a support specialization that focuses on counteracting spells from a distance and reverting ones already cast. Further, a dps specialization could utilize powerful spells to neutralize the enemy spells while attacking them with two-handed weapons. There could also be a tank specialization that sees players cast spells on themselves to boost their own defense and counteract incoming attacks.

There are many different classes that Blizzard could add in the ninth expansion. World of Warcraft has gone two expansions without a new class to shake things up, so it seems very likely that one will be coming soon. Fans of World of Warcraft will just have to wait to see what the ninth expansion holds when Blizzard announces it on April 19.

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