
  • Galakrond, the father of all dragons, is speculated to be the final boss in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight, based on recent lore happenings.
  • The Dawn of the Infinites dungeon in the expansion hints at Galakrond's return, as players battle Chrono-Lord Deios in Dragonblight, the resting place of all dragons, with Galakrond's massive remains as the backdrop.
  • The antagonist Iridikron plans to use Galakrond, possibly resurrected through Void magic, as a harbinger to lure the Titans back to Azeroth, aiming to destroy them in an act of revenge.

World of Warcraft: Dragonflight is an expansion that features many intriguing and powerful antagonists, some of which have already been faced in raids. The final boss of the last raid has not yet been announced or set in stone, so players have speculated on the options. World of Warcraft’s latest dungeon, however, points to a specific and much-anticipated conclusion.

When the expansion was first released, theories ranged from Murozond to Deathwing and every iconic dragon in between. However, the most popular and enduring theory surrounding the final boss for World of Warcraft: Dragonflight is none other than Galakrond, the father of all dragons. Recent lore happenings have all but confirmed this hunch, although players don’t yet know all the details.

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World of Warcraft's Dawn of the Infinites Dungeon Teases Galakrond

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In the Fractures in Time update, players must help the Bronze Dragonflight save the world by mending the broken timeways and defeating the Infinite Dragonflight. These dragons, much like the Primal Incarnates, seek to bring chaos and destruction to Azeroth by any means. Although the Infinite dragons were thwarted in orchestrating the rise of Murozond, the Bronze Aspect’s corrupted alter ego, all was not successful.

The last boss in the Dawn of the Infinites mega-dungeon is Chrono-Lord Deios, whose fight takes place in Dragonblight, the ancient resting place for all dragons. The entire battle is fought before the intimidating backdrop of a massive proto-drake’s skull. These titanic remains belong to Galakrond, the progenitor of all dragonkind. He was slain by the Aspects many a millennium ago, and his bones have laid bare in that frozen wasteland ever since.

In an ominous cinematic following the Chrono-Lord’s defeat, players witness a nonchalant Iridikron, the Primal Incarnate of Earth, siphon the last of Galakrond’s essence. Unperturbed by the loss of his Infinite ally, Iridikron declares his intentions. He wants to use what he calls “the Harbinger” to lure the Titans back to Azeroth, after which he plans to destroy them in an act of revenge.

This “Harbinger” is most likely Galakrond, and given the use of Void magic to contain his essence, it seems likely that Iridikron also intends to use that same power to resurrect the great proto-drake. The Void is more than capable of reanimating a colossal fiend like Galakrond, which would be bad news for Azeroth’s inhabitants. Galakrond’s size was only rivaled by his endless hunger, and his power over both the elements and undeath was unrivaled.

Whether Galakrond ends up being the final boss of Dragonflight as opposed to Iridikron, it does make for an enticing encounter. Galakrond would be by far the most enormous monster that players have ever faced, even larger than Deathwing himself. The former Black Aspect took multiple boss fight stages to bring down, one taking place solely on his back. A similar tactic might have to be employed with Galakrond, even assuming the Aspects lend their aid as well.

Galakrond’s goal will likely be the destruction of all living things, and if Iridikron really wants the Titans to step in, all he has to do is point Galakrond towards Azeroth’s world soul. If the mighty proto-drake began to threaten the slumbering Titan within the planet’s core, the Earth Incarnate would get his wish. That being said, hopefully, Azeroth’s mortal heroes can save the day before such intervention becomes necessary.

If Galakrond was to return, players would be champing at the bit to get a taste of such an anticipated boss fight. The epic scope and mechanical possibilities of such an encounter could end up being legendary if properly implemented. With fingers crossed and a bit of luck, Dragonflight will be remembered as the expansion where Galakrond, the Ultimate Prime Evil, was laid low by Azeroth’s brave heroes.

World of Warcraft: Dragonflight is available now for PC.

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