
  • Mists of Pandaria Remix offers a chance to have fun and break the game, allowing for unique experiences like killing Garrosh and Baine.
  • The Cloak of Infinite Potential gives players immense power to blast through content without worrying about performance or gear progression.
  • Killing Garrosh before Warlords of Draenor would have changed the course of WoW history, affecting major events in later expansions.

World of Warcraft players keep finding new ways to break Mists of Pandaria Remix, as one group recently managed to kill Garrosh and Baine during the events of Landfall. Though Season of Discovery was lauded for its willingness to evolve the standard World of Warcraft experience, Mists of Pandaria Remix was a chance for the developers and players alike to throw caution to the wind, throw balance out the window, and simply have fun.

Understandably, the format of Mists of Pandaria Remix is that of a temporary season – a way for players to enjoy one of the best World of Warcraft expansions without worrying about their raid performance or gear progression. The Cloak of Infinite Potential allows World of Warcraft players to command an immense amount of power, and with proper gear and upgrades, they are fully capable of blasting through even the most difficult tier of group content.

Rumor: World of Warcraft May Not Be Done Addressing Frog Farming in Mists of Pandaria Remix

Some new hotfixes suggest World of Warcraft may not be done dealing with players who farmed Gulp Frogs in the Mists of Pandaria Remix event.

However, part of the fun in Mists of Pandaria Remix has also been in discovering the myriad of ways that one can break the game. For example, Guardian Druids are capable of generating a shield so large that it hits the number limit, overflowing into a negative value. Though Blizzard has shown a desire to nerf popular farming methods in Mists of Pandaria Remix, it has done little to prevent World of Warcraft players from accumulating a ridiculous power level. For KneezMz and their group, this power was used to kill Garrosh and Baine during an Alliance quest in Landfall, which was the first content patch in Mists of Pandaria.

Garrosh Hellscream's Fate Is One of the Biggest Butterfly Effects in World of Warcraft Lore

While "A Kor'kron in Our Midst" is a self-contained quest and does not break the game by killing what would be a pair of essential NPCs, it does open up a fascinating what-if scenario. As of Dragonflight's final content patch, Baine is supposed to be alive, and Garrosh only meets his demise in Nagrand an expansion after Mists of Pandaria.

Had Garrosh been slain before the events of War Crimes, Warlords of Draenor would never have happened, and Legion would have played out differently due to a lack of Gul'dan in the primary timeline. For one, there is a strong possibility that both Vol'jin and Varian Wrynn would have been alive, and as such, Sylvanas wouldn't have been in a position to kickstart the conflict that leads into Battle for Azeroth, and subsequently Shadowlands.

Looking back over the past several World of Warcraft expansions, Garrosh's escape to alternate Draenor is the butterfly effect that causes all the major events in the timeline to take place. Despite being an original World of Warcraft villain, as opposed to an established character like Sargeras or the Lich King, Garrosh Hellscream's legacy casts a long shadow on the lore and destiny of Azeroth.

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World of Warcraft

November 23, 2004