Some World of Warcraft fans have noticed a picture of the Titan Pantheon appears briefly while changing talents in Dragonflight. The hidden image of the Titans can be found in the Dragonflight beta, the Public Test Realm, and retail World of Warcraft once the Pre-Patch begins on October 25.

World of Warcraft: Dragonflight is bringing back Talent Trees with a facelift for the modern age. Players can freely swap and refund talents anywhere in the world, outside some instances and PvP, at no cost or cooldown, allowing them to freely experiment with builds in Dragonflight.

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However, some players noticed an image of a starry circle flashed over the Talent Trees when changing talents. Within the starfield, the faces of the Titans Aggramar, Eonar, Golganneth, and Norgannon can be seen alongside the uncorrupted visage of Sargeras–the one who would later start the Burning Legion of World of Warcraft infamy. The image is difficult to see, as most of the faces are over the Talent Trees themselves, and only flashes momentarily, but popular World of Warcraft streamer MrGM was able to isolate the image, which he posted for the public to see.

Interestingly enough, Aman’Thul and Khaz’goroth do not seem to appear within the starfield. This is presumably because they are both men with long beards, making them somewhat difficult to differentiate from Norgannon–another bearded man whose only other major defining facial feature is a hood. Nevertheless, it is still interesting that World of Warcraft chose the Dark Titan Sargeras while excluding the likes of Aman’Thul, the leader of the Titans.

Players are fascinated by the intriguing details suggested by this secret image in the Talent Trees of Dragonflight. The Dragon Aspects and the Titans have a long and intertwined history, as the latter was responsible for creating the former. With Dragonflight having a strong focus on both dragons and Titans, many players wonder if the image could be a subtle hint of a story to come, or of additional connections between the Titans and player characters.

Of course, some players are a bit more skeptical of the new lore coming in Dragonflight. After Shadowlands introduced the concept of the First Ones, many believed the cosmology of Warcraft was becoming overly muddled. Evidence from Dragonflight suggests it will be carrying on with some aspects of the metaphysical lore of World of Warcraft, despite its unpopularity. Players won’t have to wait long to evaluate World of Warcraft’s lore decisions for themselves once Dragonflight’s Pre-Patch event, Primal Storms, begins on November 15.

World of Warcraft is available now for PC. Dragonflight launches on November 28.

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