
  • Players think heirlooms in WoW need a major overhaul in The War Within due to changing preferences and game dynamics.
  • The upcoming expansion will focus on evergreen features and convenience for players, such as shared reputations.
  • Some players hope Blizzard considers reducing the gold cost or upgrade steps for Heirlooms to adapt to the current leveling experience in WoW.

World of Warcraft is a game that has evolved numerous times, making many of its features feel redundant or inefficient, and its players now believe that the time has come to give Heirlooms a major overhaul. As World of Warcraft approaches The War Within, it leaves behind an expansion that will be remembered for focusing on the core strengths of the game. Unlike Shadowlands and Battle for Azeroth, Dragonflight did away with temporary systems and borrowed power. It brought back a more complex talent system and introduced flashy evergreen features such as Dragonriding.

While the developers have proven to be more receptive to player feedback in Dragonflight, the upcoming World of Warcraft expansion will continue the same philosophy: an emphasis on evergreen features, and embracing the aspects of the game that players enjoy. The War Within is set to introduce Warbands, a system that will make farming item appearances from old raids far more convenient. Furthermore, new reputations will be shared across a player's World of Warcraft account, which used to be a highly requested feature ever since Blizzard started toying with concepts such as shared Achievements, Mounts, and Heirlooms.

World of Warcraft Fans Discover Potential Date for The War Within Pre-Patch

Some World of Warcraft fans find evidence suggesting when players can expect the Pre-Patch update and event for The War Within to arrive.

When they were initially introduced, Heirlooms granted players an experience boost on top of dynamic stats, making the leveling process in World of Warcraft significantly easier. Players could buy these items via their main character, and then share them across alts, as subsequent expansions kept adding more variety, upgrades, and quality-of-life features to the Heirloom system. However, with Shadowlands removing the experience bonus, Heirlooms have lost their main appeal, and players such as Schfaffendudel argue that the total gold cost of fully upgrading them is no longer worth it.

How The War Within Could Update Heirlooms in World of Warcraft

As is customary with any World of Warcraft expansion, The War Within will provide a new upgrade tier for heirlooms, allowing characters to take their gear all the way to the new level cap. Heirlooms used to be a clever gold sink for veteran players, but investing almost two million gold at a time when leveling in World of Warcraft has been so thoroughly trivialized that it is understandably unappealing. An overhaul to Heirlooms in The War Within would make sense, especially due to the expansion's focus on its Warband feature.

There are two obvious directions for Blizzard to take when it comes to Heirlooms: either by significantly reducing the gold cost, or perhaps more elegantly, by reducing the amount of upgrade steps that Heirlooms have. The value of quick, convenient leveling has plummeted in modern World of Warcraft, and the gold sink of Heirlooms needs to adjust to this new reality. Though it remains to be seen what Blizzard will do in The War Within, it's certainly a proposal that merits consideration.

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World of Warcraft

World of Warcraft is an incredibly successful MMORPG that has been going strong for almost two decades. It's one of the highest-grossing franchises in history and is widely considered the most popular MMORPG ever made.

November 23, 2004