
  • The Follower Dungeons feature in WoW is now free of most restrictions, allowing for more solo play options.
  • Players can enter up to 50 Follower Dungeons a day in WoW with full XP gains for an improved gameplay experience.
  • Fans speculate on future possibilities like customizing NPC followers or teaming up with iconic WoW heroes.

World of Warcraft just improved Follower Dungeons by drastically increasing the daily instance limit and removing the experience penalty for teaming up with NPCs. Now, players can enter up to 50 Follower Dungeons a day in World of Warcraft, effectively removing all restrictions from the new feature.

Follower Dungeons is a new system that was added to the game in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight Patch 10.2.5, Seeds of Renewal. Using the feature, players could enter up to 10 Normal Dragonflight dungeons a day with a team of popular WoW NPCs to test out new roles or fill out vacant party slots. Characters received 5% less experience per NPC. However, there was only up to a 20% penalty for a full team of followers.

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Now, World of Warcraft has completely removed almost every penalty from Follower Dungeons. According to a forum post from WoW community manager Linxy, as of the weekly reset on February 26, players can enter up to 50 Follower Dungeons per 24-hour period – five times the previous limitation. Additionally, the experience penalty characters get for each follower has been removed, granting them full XP gains regardless of the team composition.

World of Warcraft Lifts All Restrictions from Follower Dungeons

To put this new 50 dungeon limit into perspective, clearing a Dragonflight dungeon with Followers in World of Warcraft usually takes no less than 20 minutes. Clearing 50 dungeons at this pace would take roughly 16 hours out of the day. Unless players are spending every waking moment farming these instances, most will never encounter this limit.

Players are glad to see the Follower Dungeons feature become even better than before. While it is not the most efficient way to level up in World of Warcraft, having the option to enter a dungeon solo is useful for those trying out new builds or specializations, who aren’t confident enough to play with other players yet, or who simply prefer to play solo or at their own pace. As an entirely optional system, Follower Dungeons are a big win for the game – and the removal of the limitations from this World of Warcraft feature eliminated virtually every one of its downsides.

Some fans have big hopes for Follower Dungeons. Players are wondering if World of Warcraft will eventually let them customize their NPC followers, or even fight alongside iconic WoW heroes like Alleria or Anduin in future expansions. Fans will have to wait and see what World of Warcraft does with Follower Dungeons in the future, but so far, every update to the system has been a step in the right direction.

WoW Dragonflight
World of Warcraft: Dragonflight

World of Warcraft: Dragonflight was developed by Blizzard Entertainment and is the ninth expansion pack for the iconic massively multiplayer online role-playing game World of Warcraft.

Dragonflight features an overhauled user interface, raises the level cap to 70, and introduces a new race and class.

November 28, 2022
Blizzard , Activision
Blizzard , Activision