Fans of the Warcraft mythos know that the Dragonflights once served the noble purpose of protecting Azeroth during its youth. And when Deathwing and his corrupted Dragonflight threatened the peace of the land in World of Warcraft, the players played a big part in maintaining order. Just when everyone thought Dragonflights were gone in the Warcraft universe, they were about to make a surprise return in the upcoming Dragonflight expansion of World of Warcraft.

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With that in mind, players may want to know more about one of the major Dragonflights in the mythos: the Red Dragonflight. Serving as the guardians of life-bearing and life-destroying fire, the Red Dragonfire are said to be noble preservers of life of all of Azeroth. However, just what else is there to know about them, as well as their leader Alexstrasza?

10 Defenders, Keepers Of Life

A member of the Red Dragonflight

Contrary to depictions of dragons in popular fiction, the dragons - particularly the Red Dragonflight - in Warcraft lore stick to the role of dragons as majestic defenders. This is courtesy of the gift bestowed upon to their Red Dragon Aspect Alexstrasza by the Titan Patron of Life Eonar after Alexstrasza and her proto-dragon friends defeated the terrifying proto-dragon Galakarond.

The Red Dragonflight received a gift that equated to Alexstrasza’s boundless compassion towards the living, which is in turn why she is named the Life-Binder. In turn, all Red Dragons are familiar with the secrets surrounding not just life but death itself. Aside from their fires that can kill, Red Dragons can equally heal and drain life. They are even knowledgeable in necromancy, but hesitant to use it. It’s due to their nature as keepers of life that they’re the Dragonflight in most contact with mortals.

9 The Reds Secured Azeroth In War Of The Ancients

The aspects fighting Deathwing

Considered as the First War in Warcraft history, the War of the Ancients happened when Night Elves inadvertently gave the Burning Legion access to Azeroth. Faced with overwhelming numbrs of demons, the Black Dragon Aspect Neltharion suggested the Aspects put their energies into the Dragon Soul, which will force the demons to submit. The Dragon Soul was successful in doing this for a while, until Neltharion revealed his true intentions and tried subjugating all life under his heel.

It was thanks to a chance attack by Alexstrasza’s consort Korialstrasz that Neltharion - now Deathwing - would be left vulncerable. While the Dragonflights will repel Deathwing and enchant the Dragon Soul to be unusable by dragons, the hefty cost of this conflict was a majority of the Blue Dragonflight’s lives. It was after this conflict that much of the Dragonflights secluded themselves, with the Reds being some of the only ones willing to interact with mortals.

8 Protecting Azeroth After The Sundering

Reds blessing Nordrassil

Despite the damage to Dragonflight numbers during the War of the Ancients, the Reds maintained contact with mortals and protected Azeroth throughout Warcraft history prior to the MMO. Part of their key involvement early on in history involves Alexstrasza creating the great tree Nordrassil to guard the new Well of Eternity in Mount Hyjal after the Sundering. Not only that, but Alexstrasza blessed the tree and its Night Elven denizens with advanced physique, giving them superhuman qualities. Alongside the blessings of Green Aspect Ysera and Bronzee Aspect Nozdormu, Night Elves back then would also be able to tap into the Emerald Dream and become immortal.

Another key involvement of the Red Dragonflight in ancient history involves the activation of the temple of Ahn’Qiraj deep in Silithus Desert, which served as the prison of the Old God C’thun. During theiOld God’s attempt to conquer the desert in the War of the Shifting Sands, Alexstrasza sent her child Caelestrasz to lead a band of Reds to aid their Bronze and Night Elven brethren. The conflict is resolved with the Ahn’Qiraj silithids retreating, Caeleestrasz believed to be lost, and the Red Dragon Vaelastrasz becoming the guardian of a shard of the Scepter of the Shifting Sands.

7 The Red Suffering In The Second, Third Wars

The jailed Alexstrasza

While the Dragon Aspects in Warcraft history would enchant the Dragon Soul to never be used by a dragon again, Deathwing takes this instruction to the letter and corrupts Orc Warlock Nekros to use it instead. Armed with the powerful Dragon Soul, Nekros uses this to force Alexstrasza into captivity and the Reds will be coerced into accompanying the Horde in the Second War. Such was the frustration of the Reds that they almost transformed mortals into enemies, had it not been for Korialstrasz to find a way to free Alexstrasza.

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And despite the Reds attaining freedom in the Second War, a lot of Reds in Horde captivity would still be used in the Third War to fight the Undead Scourge. Horde Warchief Thrall will discover and protect one such Red Dragon from harpies during his journey, who will then provide the Warchief with the Heart of Aszune which will aid him in his journey.

6 The Battle Of Grim Batol, Alexstrasza’s Return

Alexstrasza in World of Warcraft

It was at the height of the Second War in Warcraft 2 when Korialstrasz would discover his queen held captive in Grim Batol. While determined to free his queen, Korialstrasz was dismissed by the Dragon Aspects time and time again. It was through sheer persistence that he was able to convince Alexstrazasz’s younger sister Ysera to help, who then convinced Norzomu and Blue Aspect Malygos to aid as well.

During th Battle of Grim Batol, Korialstrasz and his protege Rhonin used a brief moment of weakness on Deathwing’s part to destroy the fragile Dragon Soul. This released all dormant energies lying within and restored power to the Aspects, allowing them to force Deathwing to retreat. Now freed, Alexstrasza swore friendship to Rhonin and the Humans, Vereesa Windrunner and the High Elves, and Falstad Wildhammere and the Dwarves, with the Reds resurfacing after the return of their queen.

5 The Sunwell, The Second Battle Of Grim Batol

Anveena Teague

Alexstrazasz’s consort Korialstrasz becomes a key figure in other events after Alexstrasza’s return, being the most prominent Red Dragon to be featured in these happenings. For instance, with the Sunwell at Quel’Thalas destroyed during the Third War, Korialstrasz took it upon himself to transform the Sunwell’s remaining energies into an avatar named Anveena Teague which he took under his care. When the treacherous Dar’Khan Drathir tried to take Anveena’s powers for his own, Korialstrasz tried to intervene, only to be subjugated to mind control had it not been for the interference of Blue Dragon Tyrygosa.

Meanwhile, after Deathwing’s initial defeat in Warcraft history, the Reds eventually abandoned their queen’s former prison of Grim Batol. It was only Korialstrasz who discovered that this site was being used as a place to conduct dark experiments, with Black Dragon Sinestra creating a “new” breed of dragons in the form of the Twilight Dragonflight. Korialstrasz, with the help of Nether Dragon Zzeraku and Twilight Dragon Dargonax, managed to stop this terrifying creation, not knowing Deathwing himself was located underneath the site.

4 The Nexus War, The Wyrmcrest Accord

The Nexus

It was during the attempts of the Blues to “heal” Nether Dragons that their magic was siphoned by Blue Aspect Malygos, finally curing him of his insanity. Unfortunately, he deemed Azeroth unworthy of magic and begun siphoning all magic of the world unto himself, prompting multiple forces into action. Key to this opposition are the mage-guardians of the Kirin-Tor as well as the Red Dragonflights.

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When the Blue Dragonflights, under Malygos’s commands, dared attack the ancient Dragonflight meeting place called the Wyrmrest Temple, the Reds called forth their other Dragonflight brethren to unite against the threat of Malygos, creating the alliance called the Wyrmrest Accord. Despite trying to reason with him, Alexstrasza and the other Aspects realized there’s no more way of changing Malygos, having resorted to slaying the Blue Aspect in the Nexus World of Warcraft raid.

3 Fighting The Emerald Nightmare, Blessing Teldrassil

The eerie Emerald Nightmare

After the temporary defeat of the Lich King in Warcraft history, the infection of the Old Gods on the various Great Trees coalesced into the Emerald Nightmare, penetrating the Emerald Dream and injecting madness into its denizens. Such was its terror that even Archdruid Malfurion Stormrage was infected with it, and Tyrande Whisperwind sought Alexstrasza’s help in aiding them in the War Against the Nightmare.

Unfortunately, Korialstrasz also fell victim to the Emerald Nightmare and became part of the Unwaking, infected individuals that had become mad because of the Nightmare. After the conflict, Alexstrasza and Ysera presided over the wedding of Tyrande and Malfurion, after which they’ve also blessed Teldrassil, the new World Tree.

2 The Fall Of Korialstrasz


Perhaps one of the most tragic deaths to befall the Red Dragonflight throughout Warcraft history would be that of Korialstrasz, the consort of Aspect Alexstrazasz. In the hopes of reuniting with their Blue Dragonflight brethren, the dragons convened in Wyrmrest Temple. Seeing as the other Blues aren’t fond of him, Korialstrasz opted to be left behind and watch his new Red hatchlings.

Unfortunately for Korialstrasz, he would discover a band of Twilight’s Hammer mages casting dark spells on the eggs, as though mutating them into becoming Twilight Drakes. Despite his efforts to protect the eggs, the mages revealed that their spells have infected all of the sanctums. Seemingly left with no choice, Korialstrasz caused an explosion that destroyed not just the infected eggs, but his life as well. While this act would be initially seen as a betrayal, Alexstrasza would find a way to clear her mate’s name.

1 After The Cataclysm, The Last Reds

A small Red Dragon Whelp

While it took the effort of all the Dragon Aspects to defeat Deathwing once and for all, this did cost the Dragonflights all of their blessings, transforming them into mere mortals. This would be reflected in the actions of all the Dragonflights, and particularly the Reds. For instances, during the events of Legion, the Deathlord of the Knights of the Ebon Blade would try to go to the reformed Ruby Sanctum, where they will discover new Red Dragonflight whelps. Despite their choice of sparing or destroying them, the whelps would remain aggressive to this stranger. Unfortunately, they would be the final Red Dragonflight whelps to ever exist.

Meanwhile, Alexstrasza and the rest of the Dragonflight have maintained efforts to ensure no other Dragonflights would be manipulated again. An example of this would be Red Dragon Zallstrasza stopping Death Knight Danir Emberlight to raise the body of the fallen Green Dragon Vadeklus as his mount. Meanwhile, Vexiona and her Twilight Dragons would attempt to corrupt Red Dragons into her side in a growing plot for domination, something that may be explored in the new Dragonflight expansion.

World Of Warcraft: Dragonflight is set for a November 28, 2022 release.

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