For years now, Silent Hill fans have been begging for a reboot or new entry to the franchise, but it seems like it may never happen. In an odd turn of events, the next best thing is here instead. Players of World of Tanks can experience some classic horror at the hands of Masahiro Ito and Akira Yamaoka, two creators that worked on the original Silent Hill.

This World of Tanks Halloween event brings out a whole new game mode and a lot of other cool stuff for players to explore, but few would have guessed it would include such big names on the team. No doubt both Ito and Yamaoka's influence will be felt by players.

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Each of these creators is famous for a particular aspect of the original Silent Hill, and World of Tanks devs put them both to use where they're needed most. Ito is the creator of the iconic Pyramid Head enemy in Silent Hill, and is charged with designing new 3D skins for players to purchase. On the other hand, Yamaoka is responsible for the Silent Hill soundtrack, and lent his musical expertise to the new World of Tanks event.

Monster Tanks Halloween

It may not be the Silent Hill fix that fans have been looking for, but it should help hold fans over. At the moment there's no indication when the franchise will make it's triumphant comeback, but World of Tanks veterans and newcomers alike are sure to enjoy the amazing work of these two industry icons.

World of Tanks is available now on PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.

MORE: World of Tanks Blitz Surprise-Launched for Nintendo Switch

Source: Polygon