
  • Monolith's history with action-adventure games like Shadow of War sets a high standard for Wonder Woman's potential gameplay.
  • Wonder Woman's use of the Nemesis System should be well-implemented to avoid disappointment and ensure future success.
  • The return of the Nemesis System in Wonder Woman is exciting, even if it's a gimmick, and could redefine player engagement in games.

The premise of a standalone single-player Wonder Woman game is tremendously exciting based on the character alone. But where the true excitement for such a game excels is in its developer, Monolith, and what it’s supposedly bringing to the table for its adaptation of DC’s Themysciran princess. Because Monolith most recently developed the Middle-earth games it would be easy to assume it’ll translate those action-adventure mechanics to Diana’s arsenal, and yet Rocksteady’s Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League was evidence that any developer could make a drastic out-of-left-field turn, for better or worse.

Monolith hopefully selected or was given Wonder Woman as its DC character to adapt because it has excelled with single-player action-adventure. Shadow of Mordor and Shadow of War were phenomenal in that regard, offering open worlds with rich narratives and an inspired combat system, all of which would find a warm home in Wonder Woman. It’s been confirmed that Middle-earth’s Nemesis System will be in Wonder Woman, too, assuming that hasn’t changed since. But if Wonder Woman does implement WB’s sacred Nemesis System, it’s going to need to do so in a way that isn’t half-baked.

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Monolith Needs to Put Its Whole Heart into Wonder Woman’s Nemesis System

The absolute worst-case scenario is WB finally implementing the Nemesis System for the first time since Shadow of War in 2017 and having Wonder Woman underperform or not employ the Nemesis System to its fullest capability. If Wonder Woman or its Nemesis System are perceived as underwhelming or poorly designed in any way, that could signal the wrong message and result in the Nemesis System being shelved forever, rather than being honed and improved for a future game.

Games are now gargantuan investments of time and money and trends are incredibly fleeting, which could mean that a disappointing product and its niche features aren’t given many chances to succeed or fail. Seeing the Nemesis System falter and fail would be hugely devastating since Monolith’s Middle-earth games demonstrated the potential for the feature to completely redefine how players engage with otherwise forgettable or unremarkable enemies.

Therefore, if Monolith takes the bones of the feature and fleshes it out thoroughly and satisfyingly for Wonder Woman it could help determine how influential and pivotal the Nemesis System could be for several other games moving forward, as it should be.

Wonder Woman’s Nemesis System Will Be Great to See Even if It’s a Gimmick

That said, as long as the Nemesis System isn’t horribly conceived or at risk of being shelved, it’s going to be great to see the feature reprised. It’s been a long seven years since Shadow of War and it’s thrilling to imagine what concepts and ideas have been brought to the Nemesis System in that time, hopefully to be put on display in Wonder Woman.

This game is going to have a fairly big responsibility in bringing the Nemesis System back and it will presumably do so by warring Themyscirans against humankind as two opposing factions whom players interact with. Regardless, the Nemesis System’s novelty is innately exciting.

Even if it behaves identically to how it did in Shadow of Mordor and Shadow of War it’ll be sure to retain all attention as its most unique feature, that is unless Wonder Woman has some other tricks up its sleeve. Wonder Woman itself might not need to do much to impress in a DC landscape that is currently blemished by a couple of lackluster titles, but the Nemesis System will be its true test of brilliance and could be a make-or-break for Monolith to nail.