Now that a Wolverine video game is coming from Insomniac Games, it's time to try and figure out just who and what might be in the game. Oddly, the man known by many names, doesn't have all that many video games where he takes on a starring role. It means there's plenty of options for whoever is going to appear alongside Wolverine and what storylines will appear in-game. Wolverine is one of the older ones in the Marvel Comics universe. If Spider-Man and Miles Morales are any indication, the game might not echo any one story. It's more likely that players will see aspects of several different stories combined into one comprehensive, original story.

A standalone Wolverine game actually offers all kinds of different possibilities. Because there haven't been as many games focused on Wolverine, the video game story could take inspiration from several different stories. Are players going to begin with an origin story? Or will they pick up and play with an established character who is out there living his X-Men life? It's hard to tell, especially since there have been so few details shared about the title so far. Is he going to be the only X-Man in the game, or will he run across other characters? Who will be the villain(s)? That could determine just what the story is going to be and how many different stories it might fold in.

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The Wolverine Origin Story

wolverine weapon x

It's true that Insomniac Games has shown that Marvel video games don't always need to focus on the origin of their heroes. When it came to Spider-Man especially, the developers trusted the fan base already knew Peter Parker well. The same could be true when it comes to Wolverine. Most comic book fans know how the character got his start. Still, there's something to be said for covering that ground again, simply because the story is so interesting.

To some degree, X-Men Origins: Wolverine video game based on the movie already covered that. However, that game was released 12 years ago. Not only is there now a new generation of gamers, but there's a new generation of consoles.

That's why Insomniac Games may be well advised to take on Wolverine's origin: The story of Weapon-X. This story is one of the best in a long line of Wolverine stories, in part because it's such a tragic background. It's also one that still leaves plenty to play around with when it comes to who the villain is, the settings and surroundings to play in, and a way to set up the rest of the game.

The nice thing about taking on that story is that it also doesn't have to take up much of the game. It could in fact, be used at the very beginning as a prologue, allowing players to get a feel for the game in the beginning. Players could have Logan bust out of the tank just after he's been infused with the adamantium skeleton that he's famous for in both the comics and the game. Then, Insomniac Games' story could flash forward to whatever other story it wants to tell.

Old Man Logan Could Play A Part In Wolverine

old man logan

Because there is so little known about the game, all kinds of guesses can be made about the plot of Wolverine. There are already a couple of different guesses stemming from the shot of Logan sitting alone by himself in a bar. Some believe that scene is an allusion to his time as "The Patch" in Madripor. However, it's also possible it could be hinting at a bit later in his life. That could be where the game takes on the Old Man Logan storyline. There are a couple of reasons why it would make some sense to include that line in the game, and could once again just be a slice of the pie, depending on how Insomniac Games wants to adapt it.

Old Man Logan, as someone might be able to guess by the title, takes on Wolverine's story much later in life. It also takes several plotlines in absolutely whacky directions that could certainly make for some hilarious and fun action. If it's done right, it could be a heck of a pairing with the Weapon X story as a kind of bookend for the game. People love to get insight into the background of Wolverine and all the different adventures the character has gone through over the many, many years he's been around. Getting to play as an older, grizzled Logan who gets pulled back into the action after basically retiring would be some good clean fun.

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The Stage Could Be Set For Wolverine: Bloodlust

wolverine bloodlust

If Insomniac Games wants to give a huge nod to some of the more hardcore Wolverine fans in gaming, then the company could go with the Wolverine: Bloodlust storyline. This is one of the more interesting stories in the character's library of adventures, but it's not as well known as some of the more mainstream takes on the character. There's also the fact that this story would allow Insomniac to put some villains in Wolverine that don't need to be voiced and don't need to have a ton of name recognition, because they're really just monsters that Logan could fight in wave after wave after wave.

Assuming that this game really is a standalone title and not a vehicle to introduce other Marvel characters into the Insomniac universe, Bloodlust might make the most sense, at least as part of the story. This set of comics has Logan taking on what amount to "space bigfoots," in a race known as the Neuri. These creatures are busy attacking people in a remote part of the world and Wolverine rushes to the rescue after receiving some telepathic messages showing the creatures murdering innocents. One of the most interesting aspects of this storyline is that there's a case to be made that this is exactly the plot that was shown off in the trailer.

As part of Bloodlust, Wolverine finds himself getting into a bar brawl with several people who believe he's the one behind the killings. There's also the fact that the outfit that he's wearing in the game's trailer is also an outfit he wears in this particular comic run. That's not to say it's a slam dunk that Wolverine: Bloodlust is absolutely going to be in the game, as the outfit he's wearing in the trailer is well known as being his go-to look. Still, depending on just how the story of Insomniac's adaptation is handled, it could make a lot of sense to include this comic run because it shows how misunderstood the characters is, while also showing off a savage side of Wolverine.

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