Judging by the latest Wolfenstein: The New Order trailer, Bethesda Softworks might not be the best company to take the reins of the FIFA franchise. Thankfully, the Maryland-based studio does seem to know what it's doing with its Nazi-blasting, Hitler-squashing shooter.

Aside from a distinct lack of multiplayer mayhem — always a major draw of the series — this all-new alternate history adventure looks like offering a solid slice of robo-fascist fun. With just under 6 weeks to go until the game hits store shelves, Wolfenstein's wizened war machine is gearing up for one last PR push.

Thus far we've seen B.J. Blazkowicz riding 'On a train' to Berlin, facing down mechanized monstrosities and generally annihilating the Nazis wherever they appear. Of course, no vision of a victorious third reich would be complete without some grade-A Bavarian villainy, something the game's new 'Nowhere to Run' trailer delivers in spades.

Wolfenstein The New Order Nowhere To Run Trailer

Featuring droves of dispirited prisoners, countless rebels on the run and a number of nods to the series' traditional occult elements, the Wolvenstein: The New Order video sets the stage for a world teetering on the brink. Fortunately, the two-and-a-half minute trailer soon cheers itself up, with America's square-jawed juggernaut getting his hands on a selection of advanced wonder-weapons.

One interesting example is the game's new metal cutting device, which allows the player to shape holes in cover and surprise the enemy. The trailer also includes a brief glimpse at a possible boss or mini-boss enemy, a 'tank'-like opponent outfitted in foreboding black armor.

While Bethesda is likely erring on the side of caution here, (at least when it comes to presenting Nazi atrocities), some of the trailer's images — namely the densely packed train carts — make for an ever-so-slightly uncomfortable viewing. Of course, video games have just as much right to present the Nazis as any other form of media, though The New Order's action-heavy, popcorn-munching approach may faze some viewers.

Are you looking forward to blasting Nazis in Wolfenstein: The New Order? Does the series new alternate history setting have franchise potential? Should the title have included multiplayer support? Let us know in the comments below, and be sure to keep up with all of the latest MachineGames news, right here on Game ZXC.


Wolfenstein: The New Order will be released on May 20, 2014 for the Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PS3, PC and Xbox 360 platforms.

The game's Panzerhund Special Edition Set is also scheduled to ship May 20. The pack will retail for $100 and will not include a copy of the game.

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Source: Bethesda