Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory is a thrilling multiplayer game in which the player works with their teammates to complete the objectives. Such teamwork is mainly dictated through a choice of five classes: the Soldier, the Medic, the Engineer, the Field Ops, and the Covert Ops.

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With only five classes to choose from, many players will assume they are all relatively similar and that it doesn't matter. However, it's quite the opposite. Choosing the right class in Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory is often the difference between success and failure so selecting the right one is vital. That being said, some classes are much better than others.

5 Soldier

Soldier shooting

Choosing the right class for the player in this often challenging multiplayer game requires more than simply finding the best selection for the objective. Each player will undoubtedly have a different playstyle so it's worth trying each class while getting to understand the player's style, how they prefer to win a battle and what kind of fight they intend to bring the enemy.

Nevertheless, after the player has gotten past the beginning stages of the game and considers themselves a little more experienced it would not be uncommon to see them stray away from the Soldier class. The Soldier is good, it does good damage and is versatile in its weaponry but it holds few other perks to make it stand out. Due to the lack of anything particularly special, the Soldier class is a good beginner choice but not great after the game has been mastered.

4 Covert Ops

Wolfenstein Enemy Territory Covert Ops

If the Soldier class is for people who haven't fully mastered the game yet then the Covert Ops class is for those that have. Its unique style sets it a world apart from the other classes, which can either be wonderful or awful for the player. It all depends on how they prefer to play Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory.

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The Covert Ops class is almost the rogue of the game. They are stealthy, sneaky, and require a lot of know-how and decent skill in both infiltration and sniping. If this is a skill players possess then they can have a lot of fun pretending to be the enemy as they sneak into their side of the map and stab them silently in the back. Or try sniping the enemy from an extremely long distance while sitting safely in a perch. It's just a tough class to get used to and is definitely not beginner-friendly.

3 Medic

Medic needed

When it comes to the battlefield of Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory, every team needs a way to heal. Medics are vital in any battle game like this and that is no exception for this class. Someone has to do it and if they do it well, the team may just win the objective.

Essentially, the Medic class will rarely be fighting during the game. Instead, they will be running to and from players as they fall, healing them in an instant or hopping between players to help them restock their precious ammunition when they need it. All these activities will end up granting the Medic some well-deserved and plentiful experience. It's a great way to play the game if players want a break from fighting and more Medics are never a bad thing.

2 Engineer

wolfenstein enemy territory Engineer

Typically, when going into an objective-based fighting game like Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory there are four types of players. The snipers who call themselves tacticians, the chaos players, the healers, and the objective players. If being a combination of the chaos player and the objective player is the desired effect when going against the enemy then the Engineer should be the desired class. It's ideal for dealing some explosive damage with many grenades and the ability to simply cover the map with grenades, dynamite, or mines whenever the player feels like it.

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The Engineer is great for disarming or building explosives around the battlefield and can use their wit and skills to complete the objective with flair, speed, and a fair few explosions and casualties. It's access to these explosives and some useful weapons that make it a fantastically versatile class that anyone will enjoy.

1 Field Ops

wolfenstein enemy territory Field Ops

The Field Ops class feels like what would happen when the game combines three classes together. It seems like the jack of all trades yet still the master of each role players can embody on the battlefield of Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory.

This is primarily due to the distribution of ammo (just like the Medic), the use of explosives (just like the Engineer), and having powerful weapons (just like the Soldier). No matter what the player decides they want to do with this class, it is typically possible. In fact, it's actually more powerful than just possible; the Field Ops often feel stronger than other classes while doing the same abilities. If players want variety, power, and the skillset to try out all the other classes then the Field Ops class is the way to go.

Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory is out now on PC.

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