It seems that BJ Blazkowicz won't be the only one gunning down bad guys in Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus. Developer MachineGames has lifted the lid on the sequel's season pass, and it's set to introduce three brand new protagonists, each one more deadly than the last.

The season pass for Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus is entitled The Freedom Chronicles, and centers around three different characters who are pushing back against the Nazis in different areas of the United States. The first installment, Episode Zero, introduces the trio as they take the fight to the American Territories.

Next up is The Adventures of Gunslinger Joe, where former football player Joseph Stallion battles invaders in the ruins of Chicago. It seems like this DLC episode is set to take an interesting turn before all is said and done, as Stallion will apparently spend some time running and gunning in space.

The third DLC episode puts players in the shoes of former OSS agent and assassin Jessica Valiant, and is entitled The Diaries of Agent Silent Death. Valiant is tasked with traveling to California to infiltrate Nazi strongholds, and uncover the mysteries of Operation San Andreas.

Finally, The Amazing Deeds of Captain Wilkins casts players was war hero Captain Gerald Wilkins. He will head north to Alaska to fight Nazis in the snow.

The Freedom Chronicles contains all four episodes, and will be priced at $25, with standalone pricing set to be announced at a later time. Episode Zero will be available for free to anyone that pre-orders the game.

Fans of the previous game were excited to see Wolfenstein 2unveiled at E3 2017, and they will surely be happy to see that more of its brand of FPS action is inbound. However, it remains to be seen how meaty these DLC episodes will be — at $25, players should be looking for a decent sized campaign once all is said and done.

Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus launches on October 27, 2017 for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.

Source: Bethesda