As is to be expected with this genre, Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty does not have classic save options. Because so much of the game's entertainment value is tied to the steep difficulty challenge, the developers have predictably taken away the ability for gamers to manually save when they are doing well.

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Still, saving is certainly something that does happen. After players quit Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty or die, they need to reload from someplace that is not the very start. These automatic save sequences do not announce themselves, but players who understand how to trigger them can put themselves in a better situation for any upcoming fights.

How To Save

Wo Long Fallen Dynasty Save Point Raise Battle Flag
  • Raise or interact with Battle Flag.

As previously mentioned, there are no manual save points. But players can still save their game by raising a Battle Flag at the various pedestals. If the flag is already raised, interact with the Battle Flag to save again (use the 'Rest' interaction). It's wise to do this after upgrading weapons and armor so that this process doesn't need to be started over after meeting an untimely end.

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Interacting with the flag, beyond saving the game, also allows gamers to travel to other flags, level up, and unlock new spells. Even gamers who are trying to beat the whole game without dying will want to stop at these locations so they can level up before moving on to the next big fight.

Wo Long Fallen Dynasty Resting At A Flag

The flag itself is heavily customizable. Those who enjoyed tinkering with the character creation process will also find they can place a flag that matches their aesthetic. Saving is certainly a more vital function of the game but these kinds of games encourage the players to integrate themselves with the world around them and this is one way that each player can do that.

Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty is available now for PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty Review