Given that it is a faithful adherent to the ever-popular 'soulslike' genre, it's no surprise that Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty has its fair share of incredibly challenging boss fights. Out of the gate, the game's first boss, Zhang Liang, forces the player to learn the necessary mechanics or fail. However, once players make it through the crucible of that first fight, they will be ready for nearly everything that comes their way.

Nearly everything. The distinction is important, because Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty does feature a few bosses whose challenge goes above and beyond anything that could be fully anticipated. The best example of this is found in Part 4, during "The Battle of Hulaoguan Pass." Here, the player will first encounter Lu Bu, the Legendary Warrior. As is the case with all games in this genre, there will be those players for whom bosses like Lu Bu pose less of a challenge. But for the rest of us, the best approach is to remain patient, and to view every failed attempt as a chance to learn. It may take five tries, it may take fifty. As long as the player keeps the aforementioned mindset, Lu Bu will eventually fall.

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How to Prepare for the Lu Bu Boss Fight in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty


There are several ways that players can prepare for their fight with Lu Bu. Given Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty's structure, it doesn't matter whether it's the player's first encounter with Lu Bu, or the fiftieth, they can return to respec and regroup after any attempt. However, this option does result in the unfortunate need to play through "The Battle of Hulaoguan Pass" again. This should be done in order to raise the morale, and, more importantly, fortitude ranks. Only choose this option if all else fails. Use the following strategies to prepare for Lu Bu:

Focus on a Water Element Build: Lu Bu is a fire based enemy, so players should focus on raising the water element stat. This will have two main benefits: First, it will increase the player's fire resistance, which will really help with this fight. Second, along with maintaining high morale, it will allow for the use of high level, water-based Wizardry Spells. Players should also consider using a water-based divine beast as well.

Ensure the Character is Properly Leveled: Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty recommends the player be at least level 37 before entering this stage. However, it is far better to aim for at least five levels above that. Complete sub-battlefield missions or replay main battlefield missions. Collect every available Dragon Vein Crystal and Dragon Vein Essence, which upgrades the Dragon's Cure Pot.

Fully Upgrade Weapons and Armor: Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty's blacksmith can upgrade items to +4 with the materials available up to the end of Part 3. Players who thoroughly explore "The Battle for Hulaoguan Pass" at least once will have enough Level 5 Leather to upgrade two pieces of armor to +5. Taking the time to complete this task will likely save the player a considerable amount of time by avoiding countless failed attempts at defeating Lu Bu.

Collect Tiger Seals: Should the player decide they want to use Reinforcements, they will need a decent supply of Tiger Seals. It costs one seal to recruit an NPC, and players can bring up to two with them into the fight. Tiger seals can be found throughout the game, often in the glowing loot markers. Another reliable method for stocking up surpluses is making sure to avenge the deaths of other players. Look for enemies with their morale icon encircled by a purple flame-like icon. Not all will award Tiger Seals, but many will.

Are Reinforcements Helpful Against Lu Bu?


Whether to bring reinforcements or not is an entirely subjective decision. For many of the boss fights in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty, reinforcements can be a useful tool for taking attention off the player, giving them time to heal or get rid of negative spirit. However, Lu Bu is not the typical boss. In a clear reference to Gyoubu from Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, Lu Bu is mounted on his trusty horse, wielding a long, spear-type weapon. NPC's and horses do not mix well in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty.

It is not uncommon to see reinforcements run up to a mounted Lu Bu, stand absolutely still, then get trounced by the spear. If it wasn't so frustrating it would almost be humorous. They have little to offer this fight offensively, but they can draw attention away from the player, and that reason alone is enough to not outright recommend going solo. However, many players may find constantly needing to revive one or both NPC's simply not worth the help they provide. Ultimately, it will be up to the player to decide if its right for their playstyle.

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How to Beat Lu Bu in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty


Mounted Battle:

Lu Bu will already be mounted on his horse when the player enters the main arena. He takes far less damage in this state, and his horse takes none. A good rule of thumb is to imagine that the spirit gauge shown while mounted is actually for his horse, as filling up the 'negative spirit' will knock him off. Essentially, that is always the goal while he is mounted, with any damage done acting as a bonus. Keep these strategies in mind while fighting Lu Bu on horseback:

  • Deflect critical blows: This will always be the best way to build negative spirit. There are two critical attacks that Lu Bu will attempt on horseback, both can be easily deflected with the right timing.
  • Shrink the Spirit Gauge: Once players become familiar with Lu Bu's basic routine, it will feel much safer to stay aggressive. Lu Bu's arrow shots will go directly over the players head if they are directly up against the horse. Use martial arts to lower the limit of Lu Bu's negative spirit bar. This will make it much easier to get him off. Deflecting attacks will work as well, but martial arts get it done much faster.
  • Stay Aggressive: It bears repeating, if only because it's so tempting to sit back and attempt to guard against everything. This approach will quickly crumble under the incredible power of Lu Bu's attacks.



1. Basic Spear Attacks: There is not much variety in Lu Bu's attacks while on horseback. He will swing his spear in a downward motion to try and catch the player below his horse. His movement is such that, even if the player is guarding, they can get caught in the back. It is far better here to learn to become proficient in deflecting. Aggressive players can chase down Lu Bu from behind, maintaining the proper angle to avoid almost every attack.

2. Basic Arrow Attacks: Lu Bu shoots two different arrow volleys at the player. One is a horizontal row that is easily deflected, the other is a group that expands and then collapses on a single point. The latter is much harder to deflect, though not impossible. Guarding works well, but be careful not to rely too heavily on it. If Lu Bu catches the player in spirit disruption, the fight is going to end very quickly. Remember, when Lu Bu returns to his horse after the first melee round, he will often shoot two volleys in a row. This is one of the easiest ways things can go terrible during the fight, forgetting there is another round of shots coming.


3. Flame Arrow Attacks: Though it is rare, it is possible for Lu Bu to return to his horse with his weapon still in flames (see melee section). If this happens, use an ice-based magic spell to kill the flames as quickly as possible. Fire arrows require absolute precision and are extremely deadly if hit. The attack pattern will remain the same, it's just the arrows that are different.

4. Critical Attacks: Lu Bu has two critical attacks on horseback. The first will see him jump in the air, giving the player ample time to deflect. With the second, the horse will wind up for a splt second, and then charge. The timing on this one can be a bit trickier, so pay close attention to the exact moment it blasts ahead. There is a find line between perfectly timed and too late when it comes to deflecting critical blows, and the charging critical really challenges the player to find that line.

Related: Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty Review

Melee Combat:


The true test of combat prowess in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty comes when Lu Bu is off his horse. He becomes extremely aggressive, leaping across the arena to close the gap between him and the player. The camera will often go askew when Lu Bu or the player are backed into a corner or alcove. This can sometimes make the fight feel slightly disorienting. On top of this, the horse that Lu Bu rides will continue to trot around the arena, causing damage and a large amount of spirit damage if collided with.

Unlike facing Lu Bu on horseback, players must be patient during these segments. Even at level 50, 13 levels over the game's recommendation, Lu Bu can kill in two or three attacks, especially when his weapons is engulfed in flames. Keep these key points in mind when fighting Lu Bu:

  • Do not spam or hold the guard button. Lu Bu can build up negative spirit extremely fast. If players are caught in spirit disruption with anything lower than full health, chances are the match is over.
  • Make sure to equip a low-cost ice spell. When Lu Bu's spear is on fire, a quick spell with douse the flames.
  • Focus on deflecting. Chances are it will take even the best players a few tries to learn Lu Bu's attack patterns. Timing deflect right during his extended combos is extremely difficult. Do not get frustrated if it does not come quickly. Unfortunately, at this moment, there is no way to avoid this.
  • Do not button mash. This is a surefire way to get killed. Make sure and take things slow, especially at first.

Melee Moveset:


1. Spear Attack Combos: At first, it is going to seem impossible to deflect every swing of the spear. While Lu Bu does wind up and telegraph his swings, learning when to actually press the deflect button, particularly during a five-or-more swing combo, will take time. If players feel like they are not getting the timing down, try pressing just a fraction of a second before it feels right. It may feel early at first, but it seems to work better when done this way.


2. Ground-Based Arrow Attacks: The arrow attacks work just about the same as they do on horseback. If the player is close to Lu Bu when he shoots, charge in, deflect while running and perform a single martial arts attack. If at a distance, stick to the mounted arrow strategy. Guard against the multi-arrow attack, deflect against the horizontal row.

3. Critical Attacks: Lu Bu has three main critical attacks while on foot. Each will be explained below:

  • Flaming Leap: When Lu Bu is first knocked off his horse, he will often go straight into this attack. Here, he plunges his spear into the ground, causing a massive eruption of fire. He then leaps straight up into the air, brining his flaming spear down directly on the player. In this case, wait until just before he hits to press the deflect button.
  • Flaming Rake: This attack may be the most dangerous of all three, and occurs more often in some rounds than others. This attack will be easy to notice, as it begins with Lu Bu dragging his spear along the ground before attacking. Again, the spear will be covered in flames the moment he begins to drag it. The real challenge her is learning to spot when the actual attack will happen. Keep an eye on Lu Bu and try to press deflect as soon as he brings the spear up to strike. Failing with this attack and the previous will cause the spear to remain covered in flames. Successfully deflecting these attacks will smother the flames.
  • Twisting Spear: The final critical attack will see Lu Bu wind up, spin, then lunge with the spear. This can also be a tricky attack to deflect, though waiting for the lunge is by far the easiest way to succeed. As the fight goes past the halfway mark, Lu Bu will begin chaining together critical attacks, so be careful not to attack too quickly after deflecting unless it's clear Lu Bu is in spirit disruption.

Final Notes on Fighting Lu Bu in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty


As was previously stated, this is an extremely difficult fight. If players find themselves struggling, make sure to make use of Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty's blacksmith, located in the Hidden Village. Above all, stay patient. As anyone who plays games in this genre knows: there is no substitute for 'learning by doing.'

Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty is available now on PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and PC. A free demo is available on all platforms until 03/26/23.

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