After starting out with a sword in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty, gamers might naturally feel like the next big thing is right around the corner. Players will find larger-than-life weapons that look incredible. But often players who make the switch find they were better off with the sword.

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Swords are fast and surprisingly hard-hitting weapons in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty. It's perfectly reasonable to stick with the weapon that defends well, attacks quickly, and keeps the pressure on against tough opponents. A great sword build works at any stage of the game.

Virtue Spread

Wo Long Fallen Dynasty Virtue To Get First Collage













Each virtue has its own purpose and should not be entirely neglected. Due to the way soft caps work in the game, dumping everything into one statistic is not the most efficient way to level up. At some point, the returns simply aren't high enough.

Metal is the main virtue tied to the best sword in the game followed by Wood. At 60, players will have purchased each of their +3 and +4 upgrades, giving themselves lots of life, spirit sustainability, and damage. This sword build is as tanky as it is great at dealing damage.


Wo Long Fallen Dynasty Downward Strike With A Sword



Melee Weapon 1

Sword of Yu the Great

Melee Weapon 2


Ranged Weapon 1

Bamboo Repeating Crossbow

Ranged Weapon 2


Usually, the best thing to do for a build is to have a quick weapon in slot one and then a slow, heavy-hitting weapon in slot two. However, the Sword of Yu the Great makes such good use of these attributes that no other weapon does more damage. The sword hits harder than anything else with this virtue investment.

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The Bamboo Repeating Crossbow is at the top of the weapon tier list. Although it does not make use of the virtues used in this build, it still has the highest damage per shot number of any other weapon, even non-repeating weapons.


Wo Long Fallen Dynasty Entering The Well




Dong Zhuo Soldier Cap


Dong Zhuo Soldier Armor


Dong Zhuo Soldier Bracers


Dong Zhuo Soldier Leggings

It's important to maintain an A rating in agility with the sword and this set is perfect. It does not have an armor set bonus which is actually a perk as set bonuses occupy an embed slot. Custom embeds beat armor bonuses in the long run.

It might take a while to beat the game but thankfully this gear is available early on in the game. The advantage of the Dong Zhuo Soldier armor among other light armor is that it has defense on par with heavy armor, best-in-class physical resistance, and a high spirit defense rating.

Embed Priority

Wo Long Fallen Dynasty Embedding At The Blacksmith

Best Weapon Embeds

Best Armor Embeds

Sword Damage

Melee Attack Power

Melee Attack Power

Melee Attack Damage

Melee Attack Damage



Damage Received

Restore HP


This build is designed for the endgame. Luck, Qi Obtention, and Copper Obtention are top-tier embeds and should be used until players have reached the maximum level and farmed up all of their gear. After acquiring the best there is to get, then make the switch to these embeds.

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Players who learn to embed early on will find that the game gets much easier. The process can be costly but syncing up these embeds and getting lucky with matching accessories can completely change the course of the game.


Wo Long Fallen Dynasty Throwing A Ball Of Poison
  • Venomous Snare
  • Venom Snare
  • Elemental Plague
  • Absorb Vitality

Metal builds have access to some of the best spells in the game thanks to a host of poison abilities. Keeping an enemy poisoned in addition to attacking them with a sword gives the build a damage potential that exceeds other builds that focus exclusively on attacking.

Absorb Vitaly will also give the sword some lifesteal in addition to applying poison. If the spells don't feel like they're hitting hard enough, try to max out morale and fortitude. Hitting 25 morale on a map gives the spells some kick they might otherwise be missing.

Divine Beast

Wo Long Fallen Dynasty Bo Cai Qinglong In Cinematic
  • Qinglong

As one of the most overpowered Divine Beasts in the game, Qinglong is a no-brainer for the build. Unlocking and using this Divine Beast happens fairly early on in the story and gives players a heal so strong that it might as well be complete immunity.

The passive benefits stack directly with the embedded gems. Qinglong adds health and gives players more health back every time they land a hit. With a quick sword type, this will happen frequently, keeping players topped off in combat.

Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty is available now for PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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