Some gamers outside of the Soulslike genre might knock a jack-of-all-trades build. In most games, it traditionally means being great at nothing and average at everything else. But because of the dynamic boss fights in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty, gamers will find that being able to do everything well is nearly a requirement.

RELATED: Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty - How To Play With Friends

Thankfully, with some mental work, the spear becomes the weapon of choice in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty for getting the best blend of attack speed, range, damage, and defense. No other weapon quite blends player needs in a way in which they are all above average the way the spear can.

The slashing spear is technically a different weapon than the spear. This guide is the best build for the latter.

Virtue Spread

Wo Long Fallen Dynasty Virtue To Get First Collage













Each virtue has its own purpose and it's smart to diversify at least a bit into every attribute. Especially when focusing on the spear build, players will want a robust selection of abilities, getting bonuses for every stat from their virtue spread.

Wood is, by far, the biggest contributor to damage with the best spear in the game, followed by Earth, and to a slight extent, Water. Wood and Earth go past their soft cap numbers to amplify their damage with this weapon while still being able to cast and defend at elite rates.


Wo Long Fallen Dynasty Lethal Attack With A Spear



Melee Weapon 1

Spear of the Hegemon King

Melee Weapon 2


Ranged Weapon 1

Bamboo Repeating Crossbow

Ranged Weapon 2


Traditionally, the wise thing to do is use a quick weapon to rack up spirit in the first melee slot and then get a slow heavy hitter in slot two to take advantage of lethal strikes. However, the Spear of the Hegemon King is the fifth-highest damage-per-strike weapon in the game and, given the virtue boosts it receives from this build, it will hit harder than any other weapon. Thus, there is no need to switch.

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Bamboo Repeating Crossbow is at the top of the weapon tier list because it has the highest damage-per-strike of any ranged weapon and the attack speed that makes it better than a bow. It also makes use of that tertiary Water virtue investment.


Wo Long Fallen Dynasty Brothers Weilding Spears




Heishan Champion Helmet


Heishan Champion Armor


Heishan Champion Bracers


Heishan Champion Footwear

The armor is what makes this build really shine. With 50 Metal virtue points, players can wear medium armor while maintaining an A rating in agility. It might take a while to beat the game, but wearing medium armor while maintaining maximum speed and no spirit cost to dodge is unbeatable.

Some gamers might be persuaded to get a set with a bonus on it, but that comes with a massive issue; set bonuses take up an embed slot. All custom embeds have a higher ceiling than the armor set embeds, so stick to armor that has no set bonus.

Embed Priority

Wo Long Fallen Dynasty Embedding At The Blacksmith

Best Weapon Embeds

Best Armor Embeds

Spear Damage

Melee Attack Power

Melee Attack Power

Melee Attack Damage

Melee Attack Power



Damage Received

Restore HP


Until getting all the items farmed up, Luck, Qi Obtention, and Copper Obtention will have great importance. After getting the gear, though, it's time to focus on performance. New Game+ offers some tough challenges, going in with anything less than gear embedded with combat bonuses is going to be a problem.

RELATED: Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty - How To Get & Use Accolades

It's best to learn to embed as soon as possible. Gear rare drops with perfect bonuses but every piece can be cleaned up. With four stars, players can get their spear damage through the roof even in the early going, creating mismatches that will persist through the mid-game.


Wo Long Fallen Dynasty Casting Elemental Plague
  • Absorb Vitality
  • Toxin Weapon
  • Elemental Plague
  • Heaven's Rage

Spellcasting always feels weak unless players boost morale and fortitude to a high point. Once it's there, tossing some poison onto the spear is exactly what the build needs. The extra damage from the damage over time cuts boss fight durations much shorter.

Absorb Vitality gives the spear some lifesteal, a smart move when health is about halfway down. Although players won't be casting often, Heaven's Rage is great for either mobs or large single opponents that disengage from melee range. It's a great spell to make these creatures pay for backing off, giving creatures no safe zone against the spear build.

Divine Beast

Wo Long Fallen Dynasty Bo Cai Qinglong In Cinematic
  • Qinglong

Often considered the most overpowered Divine Beast, unlocking and using this Divine Beast happens early on. Summoning Qinglong essentially gives the player immunity to all damage. It's technically an area of healing, but the healing is so strong that it will keep the player topped off.

Passively, Qinglong is amazing, adding HP and giving the character extra health every time they land a hit. Qinglong is a staple for most builds but, as a Wood virtue-based Divine Beast, it makes even more sense for the spear build than many others.

Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty is available now for PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty - How To Change Character Appearance