With a hard ammunition limit and bosses that only engage in melee combat, players might mistakenly believe that there really is no way to make ranged combat possible in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty. Yet, for a game in the Soulslike genre, this is actually one of the best opportunities for a bow build.

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Reinforcements can handle the bulk of the melee damage and tanking during the boss battles in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty, freeing up players to turn into headshot-seeking snipers from relative safety. If opponents do focus on the player, they do so from afar, making their attacks simple to deflect.

This is the best bow build, specifically. There are other ranged weapons such as the repeating crossbow and regular crossbow that would have their own unique builds.

Virtue Spread

Wo Long Fallen Dynasty Virtue To Get First Collage













Each virtue has a unique purpose and it's a good idea to get at least a few levels in each. Because the best bow in the game borrows its power from the Fire virtue, that will necessarily be the player's most important virtue. Wood will help the player tank any errant strikes.

Between the other virtues, gamers have some freedom, but Metal is a good idea for this build because it will help players cast more spells. In some prolonged battles, players may run out of ammunition. Since the build is specifically designed to get out of melee combat, spellcasting becomes a fantastic fallback.


Wo Long Fallen Dynasty Readying An Arrow



Melee Weapon 1

Hundred-Forged Sabres

Melee Weapon 2

Sky-Piercing Halberd

Ranged Weapon 1

Flying General's Bow

Ranged Weapon 2

Bamboo Repeating Crossbow

The melee weapons are crucial to this build even though it focuses almost entirely on ranged damage. The first melee weapon slot, the Hundred-Forged Sabres, has the highest deflection in the game. Never attack with these, they do terrible damage with this build, just leave them equipped for when enemies target the character with an unblockable strike.

When enemies go down, players are required to make use of a melee lethal strike. The Sky-Piercing Halberd has the highest damage-per-strike in the game and it borrows its power from the fire virtue. Switch to this weapon to deal lethal strikes.

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The Flying General's Bow gets an A+ from the Fire Virtue and has the second-highest damage-per-strike in the game. Use it primarily. The Bamboo Repeating Crossbow is at the top of the weapon tier list because it has the highest damage-per-strike. Because of this build, the bow will deal more damage, but ranged players need to use weapons with two different kinds of ammunition. If players run out of arrows, switching to another bow would be useless.


Wo Long Fallen Dynasty Entering The Well




Dong Zhou Soldier Cap


Dong Zhou Soldier Armor


Dong Zhou Soldier Bracers


Dong Zhou Soldier Footwear

Having an A rating in agility is critical to making the bow a primary weapon. Enemies will be constantly trying to close the gap and unless players have an A rating in agility, dodging backward will cost spirit. This light armor has the protection of heavy armor.

While players are taking the time to beat the game, they may come across armor sets with bonuses. The problem with armor set bonuses is that they replace an embed slot. Customized embeds are better than set bonuses. Use the Dong Zhou Soldier as it allows for maximum embedding slots.

Embed Priority

Wo Long Fallen Dynasty Embedding At The Blacksmith

Best Melee Weapon Embeds

Best Ranged Weapon Embeds

Best Armor Embeds

Damage Dealt

Ranged Attack Power

Shooting Weapon Damage

Fatal Strike Damage

Shooting Weapon Damage

Ranged Attack Damage

Spirit Gain From Deflecting

Ranged Attack Damage

Wizardry Spell Damage

Spirit Gain

Ammo Retrieval Upon Ranged Attack

Fire Spell Damage

Deflect Spirit Consumption

Ranged Attack Headshot Damage

Spirit Gain From Deflecting

Embeds such as Luck, Qi Obtention, and Copper Obtention are core until players have farmed up all of their gear. After that, it's all about dealing damage with the melee weapons embedded to help with deflection since that's their only use in combat.

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Players who learn to embed early will find that they won't run out of ammo even during boss fights. With all the embeds getting the Ammo Retrieval Upon Ranged Attack jewel in them, it's likely that hits will replenish ammo. Between the bow and the repeating crossbow, players should find this build will kill bosses before needing to buy more.


Wo Long Fallen Dynasty Casting Amplify Damage
  • Amplify Damage
  • Overpower Burst
  • Surging Blaze
  • Bursting Fireball

Spellcasting feels lackluster until gamers go through the level and boost morale and fortitude to the maximum level. At 25 morale, spellcasting is lethal, capable of ending boss fights in seconds. Amplify damage is one of the few spells that increase all damage, not just melee attacks or spells, so the buff should be used before firing a shot.

When players run out of ammunition, this build is just fine. Overpower Burst will amplify the next attack. If it's a mob of enemies, use Surging Blaze to take them out. For single targets, Bursting Fireball is the way to go.

Divine Beast

Wo Long Fallen Dynasty Receiving Zhuque
  • Zhuque

It is almost halfway through the story that players will finally unlock and use this Divine Beast. Most melee builds use Qinglong and that isn't a bad idea for this build either as the healing after summoning it translates to what is essentially total immunity for a little while.

However, Zhuque makes it cheaper to cast the Fire spells the build will use on occasion. If spirit management becomes an issue after running out of ammo, then Zhuque makes this build sustainable in prolonged encounters.

Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty is available now for PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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