The Witcher is a book series that's full to the brim with a bevy of interesting and off-the-wall characters that will stick with you long after you're finished with the series. A tall order, given the fact that there are so many ways you can experience the franchise, especially with the Netflix series that has recently made such an impact.

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One such character that has enraptured fans from all over the globe is Yennefer, the cunning hunchback-turned-beautiful sorceress whose infectious personality has made her one of the fan favorites of the series. The games have gone the extra mile to ensure that this character is given the justice she deserves, molding her in-game personality with the utmost finesse and turning her into a near duplicate of the character in the books.

To further illustrate this point, here are 10 ways the games completely nail Yennefer's various personality traits and mannerisms that are present in the books.

10 A Fiery And Intimidating Personality

the witcher yennefer different look

On the Continent, the reputation of a sorceress is quite daunting, striking fear in the hearts of people who are simultaneously scared of and disgusted by them at the same time.

Yennefer makes it a point to carry this reputation with her in stride, displaying a fiery attitude that would intimidate even the strongest individuals.

It's a personality trait that is further enhanced by another aspect of her character.

9 A Proud Woman That Bows To No One

the witcher episode 5 review

Pride is a powerful but double-edged tool on the Continent, with people who become too big for their boots getting disposed of sooner rather than later. Yennefer understands this dynamic completely, exuding a level of pride and confidence that is quite daunting, and even somewhat charming, without going overboard.

It's this pride that allows her to make decisions that she knows will pan out in the long run, even if others are united against her plans.

8 Shrewd And Cunning In Her Approach

The Witcher 3 Yennefer

Speaking of planning, it must be said that Yennefer is one of the shrewdest characters in The Witcher. The fact that she's intelligent enough to analyze a situation properly further bolsters this aspect of her character.

She's cunning enough to get things done on her terms, which — keeping the next point in mind — can both be boon and a curse.

7 Constantly Looking At The Big Picture, Perhaps To A Fault

Geralt and Yen, the Witcher

Pragmatism is not a trait that most people sport on the Continent, but it's one of Yennefer's defining traits. She is incredibly pragmatic, cold, and logical in her decision making, which can serve her well at times.

However, a constant need to look at the big picture, coupled with a lack of empathy, leads to situations where her thoughts can become somewhat mechanical and distanced from reality.

6 Surprisingly Witty, Once Offered The Opportunity

However, this acute pragmatic train of thought doesn't mean that Yennefer is incapable of relating to the people around her. If anything, one of the reasons why she's managed to maintain such a high social status is mainly due to her excellent people skills.

Her intellect extends to her social circle as well, allowing her to make on-the-spot quips and jokes that are witty in every sense of the word.

5 Somewhat Averse And Untrustworthy Towards New People

the witcher episode 5 review

However, while Yennefer's beauty and class should make her the most popular sorceress around, the fact of the matter is that she has a strong distrust for strangers around her. Especially the wealthy, who are used to getting their way and have the capacity to be vile.

Perhaps this is why Yennefer prefers to stay in her comfort zone and only interacts with people when required. Meanwhile, when it comes to the people who have actually transcended these boundaries to become friends, Yennefer's disposition is entirely different.

4 Exceptionally Loyal Towards The People Close To Her

Loyalty is a common characteristic across most of the main characters in The Witcher, and Yennefer is no exception to this. Time and time again, she's showed people like Geralt and Ciri that she's willing to do anything to ensure that no harm falls upon them. Not when she can do something about it.

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This loyalty is what separates her from the rest of her sorceress friends and makes her one of the fan-favorite characters of the entire series.

3 Ruthless When It Comes To Pursuing Her Goals


Yennefer will leave no stone unturned when it comes to getting the things she wants. She's relentless in this regard, exhibiting a strong attitude in wanting things done her way — something we've already discussed in detail.

While generally staying on the good side of the moral compass, Yennefer is not averse to performing heinous acts in order to accomplish her goals. From torture to destruction, there's no avenue that Yennefer will forgo in this regard.

2 A Tendency To Crack Under Pressure

However, regardless of how strong, powerful, or proud she might portray herself as, keep in mind that Yennefer's upbringing was full of pain and strife. Her journey to becoming a sorceress is a tale of vindication, but it doesn't wash away the struggles she had to face to achieve her social status.

Thus, whenever Yennefer is under too much pressure, she can definitely exhibit a tendency to crack under all this stress and rely upon someone else to get the job done instead. These responsibilities, more often than not, fall on Geralt.

RELATED: The Witcher: 10 Geralt Mannerisms From The Books That The Games Nail

While these situations are rare, they still crop up from time to time.

1 Her Tough Exterior Hides A Vulnerable And Volatile Yennefer

The point mentioned above goes to show that people are more than the sum of their parts. Yennefer has worked painstakingly to craft a persona for herself that she thinks to be ideal.

However, behind the image of a powerful sorceress with a sharp wit — and tongue — hides the hunchback who was sold by her father because he deemed her to be a useless waste of space.

These experiences vanish away easily, and Yennefer still exhibits the resulting vulnerability and volatility from time to time.

NEXT: Witcher 1 & 2: 10 Things That Haven't Aged Well