
  • The next series in The Witcher video games could be a prequel, exploring the rich lore and history before Geralt's birth.
  • A prequel game set during the establishment of the witcher schools would provide the opportunity to see the witchers at their best and delve into their training and traditions.
  • A prequel would uplift the existing series by giving new perspectives on the witcher schools, characters, and worldbuilding, while also allowing for creative freedom and the potential for new characters and magic.

The next series in The Witcher video games is set to take place after Geralt's adventures and with a new protagonist. With this change, the potential for a new series of games in the world of The Witcher set as a prequel, years before Geralt's birth, is more possible than ever. With a world as rich in lore as The Witcher, the developers have the opportunity to explore places, magic, cultures, and the witcher tradition at its height.

When they're done well, prequels can become some of the best parts of a series of work. With a world with history and lore as rich and diverse as The Witcher, there's plenty of potential for CD Projekt Red to create a new prequel game in The Witcher series that is not only great, but makes the original series even better.

The Witcher: The Strongest Characters, Ranked

The Witcher has a host of powerful characters. Here are the strongest of them all, ranked.

The Witcher Timeline

Major Events in The Witcher

The Witcher series marks its timeline from an event called the Resurrection that involved unknown forces and individuals. Other major events in The Witcher timeline include the Conjunction of the Spheres (230BR), which brought with it the arrival of monsters and humans to the planet, and the First Landing (760sAR), which marked the arrival of the first Nordlngs to the Continent.

The First Witchers

The first witchers were created by the renegade sorcerers Alzur and Cosimo Malaspina in the 950sAR, over a thousand years after the Conjunction of the Spheres and over 300 years before the events of the main series. A prequel set during these 300 years, either by tapping into source material from The Witcher books or through original work from the developer, could have enormous potential. Because witchers have such long lives and Geralt is around 100 years old in The Witcher, a prequel series set during or shortly after the establishment of the witcher schools would be ideal.

The Potential of a Witcher Prequel

The Witcher Games See The Witchers at Their Worst

The Witcher games only depict the witchers after numerous burnings and attacks, where the Trial of Grasses has been lost, and many of the witcher schools have been completely shut down. Only Vesemir remembers what the group was like at their height, and finding witchers from other schools with different training, skills, and traditions is incredibly rare.

The Opportunity of a New Protagonist

Depicting witchers at their best would be an interesting concept to explore, with an in-depth look at the witcher schools that are lost or disbanded by the time Geralt's adventures begin. It's also a chance to follow a witcher protagonist from the Trial of Grasses, the training in their youth, to their career on the Path. Some characters, such as the fan-favorite vampire Regis, would already be around, and could also feature in the game.

Why a Prequel Would Work For The Witcher

The best prequels are the ones that uplift the stories that came before them, and this would be the chance to do that for The Witcher. Giving new perspectives on the witcher schools, how they operate, and the bond between the characters could cast a new light on the existing series and give players a new appreciation for the original games.

Prequels, especially when they go back far enough in the timeline, also give the developer a lot of creative freedom to experiment with character, story, and worldbuilding. If the prequel series went back to the establishment of the first witcher schools, the potential for new characters, organizations, and even magic later lost to time is unlimited. CD Projekt Red has a great track record with its original material, including the creation of characters like Gaunter O'Dimm and the plot of the expansion Hearts of Stone. A prequel with great characters, a compelling plot, and worldbuilding that uplifts their previous work is not outside the scope of its abilities.