An advantage many Witchers in The Witcher have over people is that they get to live for a long time, sometimes even centuries. However, a long life doesn't always guarantee wisdom. Geralt is an exception to this rule. He's been through a lot and had the time to think about the world around him, about the way he behaves.

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The fans of The Witcher get to see Geralt evolve over time as he recognizes what he did wrong, realizes that he has hurt people. When Geralt takes on the task to protect Ciri, he also has to overcome his own weaknesses which makes him a better person. As a result, Geralt comes up with multiple inspirational or thoughtful quotes in the second season.

7 Was It Worth It?

Yennefer at Sodden

Even though he's supposed to be primarily a monster killer, Geralt sees no point in war and suffering. When Tissaia tells him that Yennefer had perished at Sodden (which, of course, later turns out to be false), Geralt reacts with the question: "Was it worth it?"

In the end, he's wise enough to realize that war only brings along pain and destruction, as he's witnessed it multiple times during his long life. Fortunately for Geralt, he and Yennefer eventually reunite but not everybody was lucky enough to survive the battle at Sodden.

6 She's Tougher Than You Think.

Ciri and Geralt in season 2 The Witcher

One reason why Geralt and Ciri form such a close bond in the books, the games, and the show as well, is because Geralt believes in Ciri. Other people see her as a princess, a sorceress, a spoiled child. But Geralt knows what Ciri's been through, he understands her.

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When Nivellen hesitates to speak about his curse in front of Ciri, Geralt is quick to reassure him that Ciri can handle it because he knows just how strong the seemingly fragile young girl is.

5 Love And Blood. They Both Possess A Mighty Power.

Ciri in the episode Voleth Meir

When facing Nivellen whose curse breaks after Vereena's sacrifice, Geralt speaks this line. It turns out to be strangely prophetic for the second season's finale. When the demonic Voleth Meir possesses Ciri's body, it's Geralt's love and the love of other Witchers that helps Ciri free herself.

But without Yennefer's blood sacrifice, Ciri never would have won over Voleth Meir. So in the end, it takes both the power of love and blood for Ciri to return back to the real world.

4 Fear Is An Illness. If You Catch It And Leave It Untreated, It Can Consume You.

Geralt and Cirilla training in Kaer Morhen

When Ciri confides to Geralt about her fears, this is what Geralt says to her. And he's right, as Ciri spends the rest of the second season conquering her fears, learning how to fight for herself. However, she's not the only one.

Yennefer also has to face her fear when she loses her magic. She almost succumbs to it and sacrifices Ciri as a result, but in the end, she wins over her fears and helps Ciri instead of selling her out as she'd originally intended.

3 We Don't Kill Out Of Fear. We Kill To Save Lives.

witcher netflix vesemir eskel lambert coen

Ciri's wish is to become a Witcher in order to get revenge, to kill Cahir, the man she blames for the destruction of her home and the fear she's facing. However, Geralt is quick to point out that Witchers don't kill people out of fear. Instead, they kill to protect others, save their lives from monsters.

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While Ciri's anger and fear are understandable, her attitude proves that she's not yet ready to become a Witcher, be it in the name only. This demonstrates her character development in the second season well.

2 You Can't Run From The World. You Can't Hide From It. But You Can Find Power And Purpose. A Chance To Survive The Horror.

Jaskier in second season

Even though Geralt has faced many dangers and lost people he cared about, he still knows that hiding from the world doesn't solve anything as well as running away from it. Instead, he tries his best to confront his problems head-on.

The second season reflects how Geralt has grown as a person. In the first season, he blamed Jaskier for his problems and lashed out against his friend when Yennefer and Geralt broke up. In the second season, Geralt seeks Jaskier out and apologizes to him, proving that he has learned from his mistake and the pain of his past.

1 No Witcher Has Yet Died Of Old Age, Lying In Bed, Dictating His Will.

Geralt fighting in The Witcher series

Of all the quotes Geralt has in the show, this one reflects the life of the Witchers the best. Even when they get to live for several centuries (such as Vesemir), in the end, most Witchers die fighting a monster or people, not peacefully.

It's unclear what direction Geralt's life will take in the show and whether he'll come out of it alive. However, those fans of The Witcher who want to give Geralt his happy ending can always replay The Witcher 3 where Geralt gets to retire in the end and live in his vineyard, possibly happily ever after.

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