The Witcher franchise has quickly become one of the most widespread and renowned fantasy series out there, without a shadow of a doubt. The series was already picking up with the release of the trilogy of games that have gone down as some of the greatest fantasy games out there. Now, with the Netflix series playing a key role in rekindling the flames of the franchise, it's easy to surmise that the series is reaching new heights, unlike anything it has ever witnessed before.

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The character of Geralt from the books has seen multiple interpretations across the series, with the games, in particular, delving heavily into their own interpretation of Geralt's physique, personality, mannerisms, and the like. While this has certainly led to a few differences between the character of Geralt in the books and video games, there are still several similarities that are still present regardless.

Keeping this in mind, it's time to delve into 10 unique mannerisms of Geralt from the books that the games have absolutely nailed to a T.

10 His Loyalty Towards His Friends

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Given the reputation that Witchers have in the Continent, it's safe to assume that most people would think that these mutants are the least loyal people around. All they look out for is themselves and their coin.

However, Geralt is an exception to this rule. Since he's generally reserved and introverted, his friends are few and far between. However, Geralt always treats his closest friends with the utmost respect, going the extra mile to help them whenever required.

9 A Dry Yet Sharp Sense Of Humor

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This is a point that people who've either played the games or seen the series can attest to wholeheartedly — Geralt's sense of humor is equal parts dry, witty, and sharp.

The quips he's doled out over the years are nothing short of legendary, turning him into a fan-favorite character regardless of the medium through which fans have been exposed to his character.

8 A Threatening And Apathetic Exterior

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Imagine looking at a person with white hair, cat-like eyes, a scarred body, pale skin, and other such intimidating features. It's the quintessential physical description of a tough guy, and Geralt more than fits the role with his personality.

His gruff exterior that dismisses most people is definitely a major factor that plays into his perception of being a stone-cold Witcher who has no regard for life — human or otherwise.

But of course, people who are familiar with Geralt know that he has...

7 An Empathetic Personality

The reputation of a Witcher in the franchise is quite demeaning and untrue, and Geralt's character is a prime example of that. Whether it be the games or the books, Geralt has shown a surprising amount of empathy for someone who's supposed to be an emotionless mutant.

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His behavior towards his friends and comrades is a prime example of this. In fact, both versions of Geralt have been empathetic towards random people in dire straits as well, offering to console them or even help them out in their time of need.

6 Surprisingly Emotive, Given The Fact That He's A Witcher

One of the defining characteristics of a Witcher is that, after their mutation, they are unable to feel things normal humans can with ease. This apparent lack of empathy is one of the major reasons why most people are wary of Witchers.

However, Geralt is an exception to this rule, as we've already discussed above. Not only is he capable of empathizing, but he also experiences emotions — sometimes so strongly that it's palpable on his face as well.

This emotiveness is what separates Geralt from your run-of-the-mill Witcher, and is perfectly shown in both the books and the games.

5 Selfless When It Comes to People Close To Him

Geralt will go above and beyond the call of duty when it comes to his friends — something that has already been documented in the books, movies, and games.

If Geralt is stuck in a perilous situation with his friends, then the first thing he'll think about is how to protect the others as opposed to saving himself. His selflessness is one of the prominent qualities that has helped him forge strong bonds over the course of his adventures.

4 Somewhat Snarky When Comfortable

Witcher Geralt Reading

Of course, Geralt doesn't treat his friends with oven mitts every single time he's in their presence. We've already discussed at length about Geralt's dry humor, and this is on full display when he's engaging in banter with his friends.

Geralt's sarcastic quotes and remarks towards his friend are the stuff of legends, doling out these quips left, right and center whenever he deems to be appropriate. This snarkiness is another reason why fans are so fond of this Witcher.

3 A Demeanor That Exudes Confidence And Fierceness

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Being a Witcher, Geralt's combat aptitude is second to none, and this shows in how he carries himself as well.

Geralt is always confident about himself and fierce in the heat of battle in the books — something that is replicated to near-perfection in the video games.

2 A Rational And Logical Train Of Thought

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This might be a bit of a stretch, given the fact that it's up to the player to choose what Geralt does in certain games. However, Geralt is always given the option of going down a rational and neutral path in the games — something that is the norm for him in the books.

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His ability to quickly gauge a pressing situation and figure out the best course of action that can be taken — given the circumstances and his own code of conduct — lets him choose the most logical path to attain a solution, or something close to it. Most of the time, this leads to situations where full-blown altercations are taking care of without the need for a blade to be unsheathed as well.

1 A Wearly Attitude That Stems From His Experiences

Witchers can live for several centuries if need be — and if fate allows them to live that long. Geralt himself is close to 100 years old in both the books and the games, and this shows in his world-weary attitude.

There's a reason why Geralt constantly harps about how both his blades are for monsters, even though his steel blade is explicitly reserved for humans — the sheer number of heinous acts he's seen over his travels have made him develop a persona that accepts realities like these instead of fighting it.

NEXT: 10 Games To Play If You Like The Witcher 3