
  • CD Projekt Red plans to release five games set in The Witcher universe, including a remake of the original game, a new Witcher trilogy, and a title with a multiplayer component.
  • The first game to debut will be Polaris, also known as The Witcher 4, which will introduce a new saga and transition the studio to Unreal Engine 5.
  • The enigmatic Sirius will be a departure from the others, aiming to pull in a wider audience through its multiplayer element, with the specifics yet to be revealed.

The Witcher has become a cultural juggernaut, spawned from the book series by Andrzej Sapkowski, budding from the trilogy of games that vaunted CD Projekt Red as one of gaming's premiere studios, and blossomed from the hit adaptation series of the books on Netflix. With The Witcher 3 in the rearview mirror and a whole heap of new games announced by CD Projekt Red, the studio's ambitious plans for the franchise are beginning to take shape.

In late 2022, CD Projekt Red released its long-term product outlook, which detailed five games set in The Witcher's universe, for now only known by their codenames:

  • Canis Majoris: a remake of the original The Witcher
  • Polaris: the first game in a new Witcher trilogy
  • Sirius: The Witcher title set for a broader audience, incorporating multiplayer

First to debut will be Polaris, known by most as The Witcher 4. It will mark the studio's first game transitioning from the in-house REDengine to Unreal Engine 5, as well as the introduction of an all-new saga from the franchise. Development of Polaris is full-steam ahead, with CD Projekt Red shifting almost half of its staff to focusing on the title. The release date is unknown, but it is likely that a more in-depth look will arrive before the end of 2024.

5 Mysteries Likely to Go Unanswered With The Witcher 4's New Protagonist

The Witcher series is rife with mysteries, and The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt will have some unsolved plot lines with The Witcher 4's projected time skip.

A Bold New Era for The Witcher

Yennefer stares Witcher3

Promotional material featuring an unknown Witcher medallion half-buried in snow has fueled speculation regarding a new central protagonist in the new saga. Some think it will be Ciri stepping up to a leading role now that Geralt's arc has ended. Other theories suggest players will be creating their own personalized Witcher, much like V in Cyberpunk 2077, opening the door for CD Projekt Red to drift further from the source material and presenting an opportunity to flex its narrative chops.

Going Back to Where it All Began

The Witcher remake will also be developed on Unreal Engine 5, arriving some time after Polaris has shipped. The distinction between remake and remaster means CD Projekt Red will more than likely be rebuilding the game from scratch. Over fifteen years from its initial release, The Witcher was well-regarded when it came out, but stayed fairly obscure until The Witcher 2 started making waves, and then The Witcher 3 started a tsunami. Canis Majoris is set up perfectly to launch after Polaris, bringing fans back to the franchise's roots just after unveiling its new era, while also bringing its origin up to the modern standard.

CD Projekt Red Will Take Chances With The Witcher Franchise

Touissant Witcher 3

The most enigmatic of the new Witcher games is Sirius, set as a departure from the other games, boasting a multiplayer component and the intent to pull in a wider audience. Neither aspect was expanded upon, so whether it ends up being a cooperative RPG, competitive multiplayer game, or something completely different is anybody's guess. Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales and Gwent proved that CD Projekt Red can translate its trademark quality to smaller-scale The Witcher games in differing genres, so the prospects for Sirius should have fans excited.

The Witcher Inundation

If what has been announced comes at a steady pace, this next generation of The Witcher games should carry through into the next decade. Satiating the appetite for The Witcher until the new games arrive will be more seasons of the Netflix show, which is forging ahead with Liam Hemsworth as its new Geralt, and at least one more animated title on the platform, with Sirens of the Deep coming in 2024. With how much is coming from the franchise, The Witcher fatigue might occur at some point, but until CD Projekt Red's track record falters, the more the better.