Geralt of Rivia might be the titular character of The Witcher franchise. But the story wouldn't be what it is without Ciri. A princess, a powerful sorceress as well as a criminal, Ciri has many layers to her. She grew up in the books and discovered her powers as time progressed. In the end, it was Ciri who turned the tide around. She had to say goodbye to her loved ones but possibly came up with a way how to bring Geralt and Yennefer back.

RELATED: The Witcher 3: 5 Video Game Villains Ciri Could Defeat (& 5 She Would Lose To)

Ciri had only appeared in the third Witcher game, where she ran from the Wild Hunt. Ciri's intelligence, sense of humor, and loyalty to her family and friends make her sympathetic. However, she wasn't perfect in the books, and the games corrected some of her character flaws.

10 Flaw: Ciri Lacked Confidence

Witcher 3 Ciri

Largely because of the scar on her face, Ciri lacked self-confidence in the books. The large scar changed her face for good. Ciri hated the scar and tried her best to hide it with her hair. If that wasn't enough, Ciri also thought she wasn't as pretty as others. She was jealous of Yennefer, the beautiful sorceress who took care of her. And she didn't like it when other people pointed out how beautiful Yennefer was since it made Ciri realize she looked nothing like Yennefer.

9 Correction: She Wasn't Ashamed Of Her Scars

Ciri in The Witcher

The Witcher 3 possibly made Ciri more beautiful than she was in the books. It changed her hair color but kept the piercing green color of her eyes. The biggest change was the scar on Ciri's face, though, that was much less prominent than in the books. Ciri wasn't as self-conscious about her looks as before. She wasn't afraid to wear clothes with an open neckline and didn't hide her scars from the world.

8 Flaw: She Could Be Evil

Ciri Geralt Yennefer

Ciri joined a group of young bandits in the books. That was a long way away from her previous life as a princess. Ciri acclimated well to her new existence and took on the name Falka. During her time with the bandits, she did some pretty unsavory things. She killed people, multiple people. It's true that many of them deserved it but that doesn't change the fact Ciri wasn't always the good guy.

7 Correction: She Changed Her Ways

Witcher 3 Ciri

Ciri grew up eventually, and as she did, she changed her ways. Once the bandits were dead, she was mostly on her own. She had to learn how to survive. That meant sometimes making hard decisions and hurting people.

RELATED: The Witcher: 5 Bosses Ciri Could Beat In A Fight (& 5 She Would Struggle Against)

Overall, Ciri isn't a bad person, though. She did what she had to do but once she got the choice, Ciri decided to help people instead of hurting them like her bandit friends used to do.

6 Flaw: She Was Jealous Of Triss

The Witcher 3 Geralt Triss Maze

When Ciri, Geralt, and Triss traveled together, Ciri was jealous of Triss. And it wasn't only because she admired Triss's chestnut (reddish-brown) hair and wished to have beautiful long hair too. It was because she was jealous of the relationship between Triss and Geralt. Ciri didn't like the fact Triss was so clearly in love with Geralt and wanted to be with him. If Ciri was a fanfiction author, she wouldn't ship Geralt and Triss.

5 Correction: She Got Over It

Triss and Geralt kissing in The Witcher 3

Luckily, Ciri eventually got over her distaste for Geralt and Triss's relationship. When she reunites with Triss in The Witcher 3, the two women greet each other in a friendly way. Triss treats Ciri like her younger sister, considering the not-so-great age difference between them. Even more importantly, Ciri gives her blessing to Geralt if he chooses to romance Triss. Ciri might prefer Yennefer for Geralt but she wants Geralt to be happy above anything else. That's the ultimate proof Ciri can be selfless and has grown a lot as a person.

4 Flaw: She Was Irresponsible And Immature

Ciri and Geralt in The Witcher 3

Most of Ciri's irresponsible and immature behavior in the books happened because she was extremely young back then. Ciri had a penchant for getting into trouble and disobeying the orders others gave her.

RELATED: The Witcher 3: 5 Reasons Ciri Was Destined To Be A Witcher (& 5 She’d Make An Awesome Empress)

For example, when she decided to explore a new city where she traveled with Yennefer, she got into a fight. Even though Yennefer asked Ciri not to draw too much attention to herself. Ciri said she wouldn't yet she went and did the exact opposite.

3 Correction: She Thought Of Other People More

Ciri fighting The White Frost in The Witcher 3

Ciri could still be immature sometimes in the games - but not as much. She sometimes lashed out and exploded but mostly had a good reason for it. It happened when Ciri felt like other people weren't taking her wishes into consideration. Ciri hated when other people talked over her. Yet when the time came to make a decision, she went and fought the White Frost to save everyone. That's a deeply selfless act and shows that Ciri has become much more mature as a person.

2 Flaw: She's Too Tied To Geralt

Ciri Geralt Hug

Geralt and Ciri have a beautiful relationship in the books. They're like father and daughter, but not by blood, by choice. The destiny brought them together as Ciri was Geralt's 'Child of Surprise'. Ciri is extremely close to Geralt and she takes it badly when she's not with him. In fact, she was jealous of other people Geralt paid attention to, not just Triss, but also Yennefer. Ciri acted sometimes like Geralt was the only thing in the world that mattered.

1 Correction: She Lets Him Go

The False Ciri Empress Gwent Card In Witcher 3

There are three possible endings of The Witcher 3 when it comes to Ciri. In one of them, she presumably dies. In another, she becomes a Witcher, just like Geralt. And finally, there's the so-called 'bittersweet ending' in which Ciri becomes the future empress of Nilfgaard like her birthright is. Ciri doesn't want to leave Geralt and she's upset about it. But she eventually realizes that the need of many outweighs the needs of one. She says her goodbyes to Geralt, knowing they won't be seeing each other so often anymore.

NEXT: The Witcher 3: Ciri’s 10 Most Memorable Quotes