A game known for its intricate characters, The Witcher 3 puts a lot of thought and depth into even the side characters. Whether taken from the books or created by the developers just for the game, the characters are usually very enticing and one of the key draws when it comes to advertising the games. It's what sets it apart from other RPGs. Characters can appear for a single, lone side quest, and still have so much thought put into their history.

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Along with the main game came two DLCs. Hearts of Stone introduces players to Olgierd von Everec, a man who Geralt initially can't seem to quite get the measure of. As things unfold, it becomes very obvious there's more to Olgierd than meets the eye but with such an intricate history and story, it's very easy to miss many things about him. There are even people who don't play the DLCs and only have a vague idea of who he is.

It's worth exploring, though. He's a very interesting, morally grey man...

10 He Has An Official Cosplay Guide

Olgierd's costume may just be one of the most intricate and awesome in the game, with cool-toned blues and purples making for a nice offset with his red hair. Fans want to cosplay him as much as they do some of the main characters and now, there is an official cosplay guide for Olgeird von Everec.

No need to pour over dark screenshots for hours. They've got it covered.

9 He Didn't Treat Women Very Well

People often think that at least Olgierd treats women well, but if players listen closely, there are signs of him being a not-great guy early on. He refers to a woman who works for him as a 'daft wench', which is a key sign of his temper and more than a little bit misogynistic. It's a medieval RPG, so it's perhaps it's to be expected, but he certainly shouldn't be hailed for equal rights.

8 It Was A Struggle To Ever Marry Iris

His relationship with Iris was not easy, and neither was his marriage to her. As much as he wanted to marry Iris in the past, her family seriously put their foot down and disapproved hard of the union. They expressed concern over the company he kept, and Iris cared so much about their opinion that they almost never got married.

7 He Killed Iris' Father

It all came to a head when he killed Iris' father, a key explosion in their history that many players miss as they rush through the DLC. This is what caused Iris to lose all feelings for her husband, as any person would if their husband murdered their father — though she didn't leave him.

6 He Can Actually Live

When the truth comes out about Olgierd, very few players seem to side with him. He reveals himself to be a monster.

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But he can walk off into the sunset to live happily ever after — ish — if Geralt chooses to side with him. He doesn't die. He even gives Geralt his sword, so maybe it's not worth punishing him if you want to have that to wield in the game.

5 He's Very Skilled In Goetia

Players see some pretty awesome magic from some of the sorceresses, but never do they quite see the kind of magic Olgierd practices. Goetia means contacting demons from other realms and although Olgierd only managed to contact lesser demons, this doesn't mean he was bad at it. Most people would never have any result at all from attempting this, so his magic was actually pretty impressive — if scary.

4 He's One Of The Hardest Bosses In The Game

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Although he's in the DLC, the fight against Olgierd is one of the hardest in the game. Players tend to underestimate him at the start because he doesn't quite look as intimidating as say, the Wild Hunt, or Detlaff in the other DLC, Blood & Wine. 

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Olgierd, however, is actually a pretty terrifying opponent.

3 His Critical Strikes Are The Worst

His critical strikes are the absolute worst and should be watched out for. It's possible to counter them if you're very skilled at the game and this will take Olgierd down faster, but the sensible thing to do is avoid whenever you see that red glow that signals one is coming.

2 He & His Brother Seem To Have Lithuanian History

There is a Lithuanian king named Olgierd, which may be where his name is from — as well as his brother, Vlodimir. Vlodimir died because Olgierd chose Iris over him, so players do not get much of a chance to interact with him in the game.

1 He May Also Be The Most Sympathetic Boss In The Game

Olgierd in The Witcher 3

Although he's one of the toughest bosses in the game, he may also be one of the most sympathetic. He has a story that convinces players to relate to him a little and think about the arc he's gone through.

He can no longer be considered a good man by the time Geralt comes across him, but the best characters in media are designed to make people think twice, have conflicted emotions — and Olgierd von Everec does just that.

NEXT: 10 Mods That Make The Witcher 3 Feel Like A Completely Different Game