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Cursed creatures are enemies players can find almost everywhere in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Since they are usually a mix of different species cursed by witches and wizards, they are ultimately magical creatures, and to defeat them is extremely important for Geralt of Rivia.

Once players encounter a cursed creature, they will find all its details and information in the bestiary alongside other beasts, which can then be consulted later. In The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt consulting the bestiary is essential for players to use the best strategy and gain advantages, which is especially pertinent when facing off against a rare cursed creature.

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Archespores look like gigantic flowers with callous and bloodthirsty sundews traits. However, they are far more dangerous than even the most colossal sundew. According to popular belief, archespores are cursed plants grown in soil fertilized by dying blood, so they are usually located in places that saw pogroms, bloody rituals, or cruel murders in the past. Players will face an Archespore during the Wine Wars: Vermentino quest.

There are four types of Archespore, differing from one another by color, but all Archespores fight using similar methods: attacking with strong, jaw-like leaves. If their victim is out of reach, they can also spray caustic acid, which can provoke a reaction similar to that caused by severe poisoning.

Their pods can explode, releasing a poison that deals severe damage. They also can quickly sink into the ground and sprout from any nearby pods. Fighting against multiple Archespores can be tricky, as the plants that players aren't attacking will use their ranged attacks. Signs are pretty ineffective in this fight, as something like Igni will set a plant alight but cause it to relocate, smothering the flames.



Berserkers are creatures that transform into bears or half-bears, either because of a curse or inheritance. A bite from these creatures does not result in the victim transforming into one, however some people on the Skellige isles invented a way to become one using a ritual.

Legends say that Berserkers are humans, and they can transform into bears or half-bears when overwhelmed by rage. When a Berseker is still human, Geralt can use all the techniques he would use against other humans. However, when they transform, those techniques are almost useless, and players have to switch to an approach similar to the one they would use against a bear. One good idea is to use The Witcher 3's silver swords tinted with cursed oil and sign Igni.



Botchlings are small creatures, similar to a deformed fetus, created by the improper burial of unwanted, stillborn infants. While hiding beneath beds, Botchlings sap a pregnant mother of her strength, and once she is completely defenseless it will latch on and directly feed, killing both the mother and the unborn child. They can transform in Lubberkins by performing an elven ritual.

Although they are similar to fetuses, they turn into a bigger and stronger monster resembling a ghoul when threatened. Once transformed, they will grow spikes on their back, making them invulnerable to physical strikes. However, the sign Axii will retract their spikes, allowing Geralt to attack them.

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Lubberkins are friendly household guardian spirits created by putting a Botchling through an elven ritual. During the ceremony, they are given a proper name and a burial under the threshold of the family estate. A Lubberkin looks very similar to a Botchling, though the main difference is a ghost-like white aura and relatively passive behavior.

They don't transform into anything, and they cannot fight since they are friendly. Lubberkins can follow Geralt around for a while in certain circumstances, illuminating his path.

The Toad Prince


The Toad Prince is a powerful cursed monster. Before being cursed, he was human and an heir to the throne. However, he had been inadvertently cursed by Olgierd von Everec when the parents of his love intended to give their daughter's hand in marriage to the visiting prince.

In the fight against The Toad Prince, the most useful things are undoubtedly potions. Players can use several types, such as the Golden Oriole, Thunderbolt, or White Raffard's Decotion, and because he is a cursed creature tinting one's sword in the cursed oil is always a good idea.


Morkvarg the werewolf from the Witcher 3

Ulfehdinn are a stronger type of werewolf, usually found around Skellige. The harsh and barren conditions of the isles might explain why they primarily hunt men and are stronger than their continental brethren.

These cursed creatures are some of the fastest and most lethal in The Witcher 3. They can cover long distances at high speed, making the fight extremely challenging. The signs Yrden and Igni can come in handy with these particular creatures, and it is advisable for Geralt to bring some explosive bolts for the crossbow.


Werewolf From The Witcher 3

Werewolves are therianthropes who transform into wolves or half-wolves. There are two ways to acquire lycanthropy: the first is through a curse, and the second is simply having a werewolf parent. Being bitten by another werewolf provides only a minimal chance of becoming one. Those born as werewolves can fully control their shapeshifting abilities, while those cursed or bitten change into their werewolf form only during the full moon.

These cursed creatures are pretty fast and very lethal, but weak to silver swords. Moreover, using the sign Yrden can be a helpful way to slow them down. Igni and Axii can also be used to stop the werewolves on their tracks momentarily, but they have a powerful health regeneration ability that needs to be played around.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is available now on PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One. PS5 and Xbox Series X/S versions are currently in development.

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