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The city of Novigrad is one of the most important locations in The Witcher 3. Geralt reunites with his friends in the city, meets Triss who is one of his possible romantic partners, and undertakes a significant chunk of his quests in Novigrad. It is an interesting city that is full of life and players will find something intriguing at every corner.

RELATED: The Witcher 3: Every Possible Romance, Ranked

However, players can miss a few of these secrets and details as they complete their quests throughout the city. In order to experience all that The Witcher 3 has to offer, players have to keep an eye and an ear out to discover these hidden details.

5 Romantic Bench Outside Novigrad

witcher 3 romantic bench outside novigrad

If players venture out from the city towards the North, they will spot an area with a bench overlooking the river. However, as soon as they do so, the game's music will suddenly change to a romance theme. Players can also spot a couple in the area with the woman sitting at the bench while the man performs a dance and other activities to impress her.

RELATED: The Witcher 3: Things You Didn't Know About The Romance Side Quests

The spot is well known among the city's rich and elite as a romantic hangout spot and many couples often visit the bench for dates. Alas, Geralt cannot bring his own love interest to partake in a romantic picnic himself as the view and the general ambiance are quite befitting.

4 Moritz On A Burning Pyre

witcher 3 moritz about to be lit on fire on a pyre

Moritz is a rather rude mage that Triss and Geralt run into at the Vegelbud party. He insults Triss and rejects her offer to escape the city after which he leaves in a pretentious manner. Most players will never see him again but if they visit the Glory Gate after completing the masquerade quest but before starting the mage evacuation quest, they will see Mortiz up on a pyre being burnt alive.

If players intervene and attack the Witch Hunters, they will be able to save Moritz from certain death. Geralt will chastise him and Moritz will apologize for his earlier behavior. Players can now offer Mortiz a second chance and send him to Triss to help him escape the city. In case the players do nothing when they find Mortiz on the pyre, then he will burn alive and ultimately die leaving only his charred corpse behind.

3 Asking The Doppler To Impersonate Caleb Menge

witcher 3 geralt vs doppler as Geralt

In his quest to find Dandelion, Geralt will need the services of a Doppler to assume the form of Caleb Menge to help release the bard from captivity. He will find Dudu, a former accomplice of his in order to get him to impersonate Menge and release Dandelion as part of the quest.

However, Geralt can ask another candidate to do the job as well. If Geralt picks up the contract to find a doppler between the time he interrogates the spy Yamurlak and before finding Dudu, he can ask the doppler from the contract to impersonate Menge instead. The doppler will refuse to do so as he is terrified of getting caught by the Witch Hunters and being tortured, requiring Geralt to find Dudu after all.

2 Dandelion's Dropped Items

witcher 3 dandelion the bard looking skeptical

When Geralt finally learns the whereabouts of his friend Dandelion, he devises a plan to free the bard from the clutches of the Witch Hunters. He asks Dudu to impersonate Caleb Mange and forge some documents to move Dandelion from prison so he and his friends can ambush them.

Geralt and his friends do so but one Witch Hunter takes Dandelion from the convoy and runs off requiring the Witcher to follow them. The Witcher tracks them using his Witcher Senses and the hooves of the horse the witch hunter rides, and most players will choose to follow them leading all the way to Dandelion.

RELATED: The Witcher: Dandelion’s Greatest Flaws In The Books (& How They’re Corrected In The Games)

But if players look around a little bit, they can actually find several items belonging to Dandelion that fell from the horse. Geralt will find some of Dandelion's writings, his ring, and his perfume the scent of which he can track. Following the perfume is much easier to follow as it may prove a bit challenging to discern which hoove print belongs to whom.

1 Income And Outlays

Whoreson Junior interrogation sequence Witcher 3

During his quest to find Whoreson Junior, one of the places Geralt will visit is a casino belonging to the man in question. One of the ways players can accomplish the task is by assaulting the place with Cleaver's men. However, if players choose the peaceful option and instead use Axii on the guards to let them in, they will find a unique book named "Income and Outlays". Upon reading it, players will find that it is merely a record of debts owed to Whoreson Junior and who owe them.

The information may mean meaningless at this point until players start the "Gwent: High Stakes" quest where they enter a high stakes Gwent tournament, as the name suggests. Referring to the earlier book, players will learn that the participants are all those people whose names appear in the book and who own Whoreson Junior some money. As players will no doubt have dealt with Whoreson Junior in one way or another, they would have done the participants a favor by removing their debt issuer.

The Witcher 3 was released on May 18th, 2015, and is available on the PC, Playstation, Xbox, and Nintendo Switch

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