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The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is one of the best video games of all time, with players loving Geralt's journey as he finds Ciri and ends the threat of the Wild Hunt once and for all. If this storyline wasn't great enough as is, the game also received two expansion packs that are both quite engrossing and challenging in their own right.

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Players who needed an excuse to get into The Witcher 3 once again finally have it with the next-gen update, which makes the game look brand new courtesy of updated textures, ray-tracing, and a host of other visual improvements. Players who want to optimize this game for themselves can download a fair bunch of mods as well, which offer everything from quality-of-life improvements to completely new gameplay elements altogether!

10 No Inventory Weight Limit

cd project red lore flavor text quests

Getting over-encumbered is a pain to deal with in any RPG, and The Witcher 3 is no exception. Sure, it might be realistic for a single person and his horse to not hold on to everything possible...but that doesn't make it any less frustrating.

Players who want to do away with this mechanic altogether should definitely download this mod. It removes any weight costs for weapons, allowing people to explore the world at their own pace without worrying about finding merchants and unloading their goods.

9 Always DLC Exp

The Witcher 3 Toussaint armor

This mod is a variation of the Always Full Exp mod, which does exactly what is stated in the title. The Witcher 3 drastically reduces the experience and rewards players get from low-level quests, which can disincentivize many people from even trying these quests out.

The Always DLC Exp variant makes it so that quests increase or decrease their experience relative to their recommended level without putting a hard stop on the experience gain. It's a simple yet great mod to balance out the experience dished out in the game without being unfair.

8 Auto Apply Oils

Belhaven Blade in The Witcher 3

Using oils is important in battles for players to dish out sufficient damage against certain opponents. However, there are times when players forget to apply said oil in the heat of battle, which can feel rather wasteful.

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This issue becomes a thing of the past with the Auto Apply Oils mod. The functionality of this mod is fairly obvious and lets players wail on hard enemies without worrying about applying the proper oil.

7 Perks Always Active

A close up of Geralt from the game The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

The Witcher 3 tries to balance out the gameplay by giving players access to many skills but limiting the slots where they can be equipped. While this system works fine for the most part, there's no denying that several perks end up getting lost in the mix.

This mod ensures that general perks are active at all times, giving players a reason to invest points in the same. It's a simple mod that isn't too unbalanced, freeing up slots for other perks to occupy.

6 Improved Sign Effects

Geralt in The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt

A Witcher uses Signs and sword strikes in tandem to ensure that they can fight against their foes with ease. While this simplified form of magic is quite useful, some players feel like these effects don't convey the damage of these moves.

The Improved Sign Effects mod certainly takes care of this issue. It's a great mod for players to use if they want combat to be even more spectacular than it already is!

5 Brothers In Arms - TW3 Bug Fix And Restored Content Collection

Close up of Geralt from the game The Witcher 3

Brothers in Arms is one of the most popular mods for The Witcher 3, a game that is so huge that some bugs are bound to be present. However, bug fixes aren't the only thing this mod accomplishes.

It also restores content in the game, with the scale of this restoration depending on the version players download. The aggressive version of the mod isn't recommended for everyone, since there was a reason why CD Projekt Red decided to cut out these minor moments.

4 Enable Jumping In Shallow Water


There's nothing more frustrating than trying to move Geralt through pools of shallow water. He wades slowly and can't even jump, really halting the movement in a way that feels forced and unnatural.

This mod may be a simple one but experienced Witcher 3 players know exactly how useful it is. Jumping in shallow water allows players to power through these slow sections and avoid a situation where they get stuck in shallow water and can't escape to normal ground.

3 Friendly HUD

Image from The Witcher 3 showing Geralt looking towards a mountain in the far distance.

The HUD of The Witcher 3 is pretty serviceable as is, but modders can always find avenues to improve here. Friendly HUD is one of the best mentions in this regard, muting and adding elements to the display of the game to make the world easier to navigate without cluttering up the screen.

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3D markers can help players look at where Geralt is walking instead of staring at the minimap, while exploration can be made even more immersive by removing certain elements of the HUD. These are just a few of the many advantages offered up by this mod.

2 Friendly Meditation

meditation from the Witcher 3

As a Witcher, Geralt needs to meditate at regular intervals to replenish his stock of potions and heal up at lower difficulties. However, meditation takes place in the menu, and Geralt just gets up after the designated time has passed.

Friendly Meditation aims to make this mechanic more scenic and immersive, allowing players to press a button to make Geralt meditate for as long as they want. It's a great quality-of-life mod that lets players appreciate the changing scenery while meditating.

1 Grammar Of The Path

The Witcher 3 Bookstore

There are some players who may want The Witcher 3 to be downright perfect in every aspect. This includes the text in-game as well, where modders have gone to painstaking lengths to change certain lines and fix mistakes with the Grammar of the Path mod.

Any person who wants their copy of The Witcher 3 to feature a grand total of zero grammatical errors should definitely go for this mod. It's a pretty simple tweak, but an important one regardless.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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