
  • The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt provided a fitting conclusion to Geralt of Rivia's story, with multiple endings that could leave room for a potential sequel.
  • However, the Blood and Wine DLC further closed the door on Geralt's story, giving him a conclusive ending and a happy retirement on his own estate.
  • The next Witcher game is in the works, but it seems clear that Geralt will not be the main focus, as the franchise moves beyond his story and gives him a well-deserved break.
  • Geralt has, ultimately, earned a rightful retirement.

In 2015, CD Projekt Red released The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt which quickly became one of the best video games of its console generation. It became the developer's best-selling game and served as a great example of what a fantasy video game could be. Of course, many became curious about what CDPR would do with Geralt of Rivia after the events of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.

In 2020, it was revealed that some kind of Witcher project would be put into development after CD Projekt Red wrapped up work on Cyberpunk 2077. Since then, fans have received a few development details and one teaser, but its exact contents remain uncertain. Developers have been adamant it's not "The Witcher 4," though, and it seems to be moving beyond Geralt's story. After the events of The Witcher 3, it's clear that Geralt of Rivia has earned a rightful retirement.

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A Fitting Conclusion for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

Image from The Witcher 3 showing Geralt looking towards a mountain in the far distance.

The Witcher 3 was a game that felt very much like the end of a story. The principal plot revolved around Geralt trying to find his adoptive daughter, Ciri, as various forces attempt to gain control of her. This includes her biological father and The Wild Hunt, with the titular protagonist just trying to do what is right for her. The endings, however, don't really leave all that much room for a sequel and the developer has said that The Witcher 3 was the end of the story if not the franchise.

The Witcher 3 has several different endings based on the player's actions with four key endings revolving around Geralt. Depending on the actions taken throughout the game, the protagonist can retire with one of his sorceress love interests or remain on the road as a monster hunter. If Ciri does not survive the events of the game, he is ambushed by monsters and his fate is left ambiguous, but players are led to leave this bad ending sees him give up mid-fight. Some of the endings feel like a happy ending for Geralt with a definitive conclusion while others are less so but all leave the door open for a potential sequel. That door, however, seemed to have been closed with the DLC.

How the Blood and Wind DLC Further Closes the Door on Geralt

Geralt Witcher 3 Blood and Wine ending cutscene goodbye

A year after the release of The Witcher 3, CD Projekt Red released the Blood and Wine DLC which served as a kind of epilogue story to the main game. In it, Geralt accepts a contract to kill a vampire in a region known as Toussaint, and part of his payment for it is his own estate. The story ultimately ends in the death of the vampire in question, with player actions in the Blood and Wine DLC resulting in different endings for the region itself. However, regardless of what happens, it does give Geralt a somewhat conclusive ending.

The final moments of the Blood and Wine DLC show Geralt relaxing on his new estate talking to his vampire friend Regis about how it's time for a rest after being a part of several great events over the years. The character agrees and smiles directly at the camera before the credits roll, indicating that the story is over and that it's time for the character to enjoy a life of peace. As if to drive the point further home, Geralt will be joined by either Yennifer or Triss if the player romances them, or is visited by Dandelion or Ciri. All of these narrative bits go out of their way to give the character a happy ending, and it might be for the best that the developer allows the character to have a bit of peace. Geralt has earned it, after all.

As of this writing, virtually nothing is known about The Witcher 4 or the direction it will take. Full development on the new game will likely begin in earnest once work on Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty DLC wraps up, though gamers may not hear much for a while. But, for the time being, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt really seems to show that it is time for Geralt to have a break.

The Witcher 4 is in development.

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