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The many enemy types that can be found in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt keep people like Geralt of Rivia in business. Ghosts, or specters as they are often referred to, are one such nuisance that Geralt must deal with on a daily basis. Whether day or night, specters are always a problem.

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Just like every species of animal found in the wild, not every specter is made the same way. Some may be a dime a dozen while others are extremely rare and unique. Identifying which kind of ghost the player is dealing with can go a long way toward defeating it that much quicker. After all, it's a Witcher's business to know what he is fighting.

12 Wraith

Two Wraiths From The Witcher 3

The most common type of specter in the game is arguably the Wraith. These beings, having died with some sort of unfinished business, often haunt cemeteries and catacombs. Wraiths are said to be in constant pain, forever searching for a way to right the wrongs they committed in life.

Fighting Wraiths in a large group can be a dangerous endeavor. They strike quickly with their swords and lanterns and have the ability to teleport. It's a good idea to cast Yrden whenever possible to slow them down and inflict some damage. Dodging is vitally important in order to stay one step ahead of these ghostly fiends.

11 Hym

Geralt & A Hym From The Witcher 3

Hyms are the stuff of nightmares in The Witcher universe. They are undoubtedly one of the most dangerous demons a person can come across. Hyms don't attack their victims in the traditional sense. A Hym torments its target psychologically, driving them to madness. Eventually, the victims often commit suicide to escape the mental torture.

Hyms manifest as shadows when in contact with a light source. As such, Geralt often needs to keep the Igni Sign handy to keep the room well lit. He won't be able to hit what he can't see. Yrden is also useful for slowing the demon down to deliver some damage. A silver blade coated with specter oil is definitely a sensible choice.

10 Barghest

Geralt & A Barghest From The Witcher 3

A pack of wild dogs or wolves should never be taken lightly. That advice is especially true when it comes to phantom dogs. Barghests are vile, undead creatures who are said to torment those who are particularly wicked. Their strength, like most animals similar to them, is in their numbers.

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The key to defeating a group of Barghests is to avoid being surrounded. Staying mobile and on the edges of the fight is paramount to Geralt's survival. These animals sometimes like to spit fire, so casting Quen is often helpful. A good strategy involves picking off the Barghests one-by-one until their numbers are cut down to something more manageable.

9 Nightwraith

Geralt Fighting A Nightwraith From The Witcher 3

Although they may look like just a bag of bones, Nightwraiths are often extremely dangerous. They appear after dusk and tend to waylay unwary travelers who cross their paths. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt's bestiary explains that Nightwraiths favor more rural locations, such as fields and meadows. Jenny o' the Woods is one example of this type of enemy.

Nightwraiths can be difficult to fight due to their ability to turn incorporeal. They need to be under the effects of a Moon Dust bomb or the Yrden Sign in order to do some serious damage. Nightwraiths also like to create doppelgangers of themselves to confuse the player and should be defeated as quickly as possible.

8 Ethereal

Ethereal From The Witcher 3

An Ethereal is a person's worst fears come to life. They are described as predatory creatures who prey on human trauma and uncomfortable memories. Geralt encounters a total of six Ethereals in the Hearts of Stone expansion on the von Everec Estate.

The boss fight with the Ethereals can be easy or difficult depending on the player's dodging and parrying skills. They can be fought one at a time, unless Geralt accidentally deals damage to one who is waiting to join the fight. The one who got damaged will then join the fray immediately. It's best to try to avoid that scenario.

7 Plague Maiden

Plague Maiden From The Witcher 3

A Plague Maiden, or Pesta, is one of the most unsightly beings a player may come across. They tend to haunt lands ravaged by disease and often carry dangerous illnesses with them. It's theorized that Plague Maidens were once victims of particularly awful diseases and are unable to be laid to rest as a result. Geralt discovers one in the "A Towerful of Mice" quest.

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Plague Maidens possess a couple of different attacks. The most common of these consists of a cloud of insects that will try to swarm Geralt. Using Igni to burn them away or Aard to push them back is a viable strategy. As with most specters, casting Yrden can slow a Plague Maiden down in order to mount an effective offense.

6 Banshee

Geralt Fighting Longlocks From The Witcher 3

Banshees, like their name implies, are notable for their piercing wails and shrieks. According to the in-game lore Banshees are neither living nor dead, but stuck between both worlds. Like other wraiths they often take the form of old, decomposing women in ratty clothing. Longlocks in the Blood and Wine expansion is one example of a unique Banshee.

A Banshee operates a bit differently from other wraiths when confronting Geralt in battle. Banshees possess a stun attack in the form of an ear-splitting scream, which can leave the player open to further attacks. They can also summon allies in a fight to distract Geralt. A combination of Quen for defense and Yrden for offense will usually get the job done.

5 Penitent

Geralt & A Penitent From The Witcher 3

A Penitent is described as a very rare and dangerous type of wraith. Supposedly, they only haunt people who have committed evil acts in their lifetime. A ghostly, impenetrable mist usually heralds the arrival of a Penitent. On the Isle of Skellige, Geralt can be contracted to eliminate one in the "Phantom of Eldberg" quest.

The usual methods for dispensing with Wraiths can be applied to the Penitent. He will like to teleport around the battlefield to get behind Geralt and will also summon lesser Wraiths to help. As always, using Yrden to force the Penitent to take corporeal form before unloading on him is the best strategy.

4 Umbra

Umbra From The Witcher 3

Individuals who transform into Umbras after death are typically the result of some despicable deed committed during life. More specifically, it's evil acts perpetrated against innocents that may result in the offender being turned into an Umbra. In "Equine Phantoms," Geralt learns that a former knight was turned into an Umbra for mistreating his horse.

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In combat, an Umbra can actually take any form. In Geralt's case he will have to contend with multiple phantom panthers in order to weaken the apparition. Coating the silver blade with specter oil and staying mobile should make the fight rather easy.

3 Noonwraith

Noonwraith From The Witcher 3

Noonwraiths, unlike their Nightwraith cousins, predominantly manifest during daylight hours. In life, Noonwraiths were said to be young women who met violent ends around the time they were supposed to be married. Thus, they tend to be quite angry creatures and will attack anyone within their grasp. The Devil by the Well and the White Lady are examples of unique Noonwraiths.

Preferably, fighting a Noonwraith during the night is the best option, as she will be slightly weaker. A Noonwraith can take an immaterial form, which makes her highly resistant to physical attacks. Yrden needs to be cast so that she can take corporeal form. Moon Dust bombs can also do the trick.

2 Daphne's Wraith

Daphne's Wraith From The Witcher 3

Geralt can uncover the sad tale of Daphne in the Blood and Wine expansion when visiting Toussaint. While helping a man named Jacob, Geralt will discover a strange tree that is bleeding and also weeping if listened to closely. A woman by the name of Daphne was cursed long ago when her lover failed to reunite with her. The player needs to seek out the help of a nearby witch to lift the curse.

Daphne's fate will vary depending on the player's actions toward the witch and if Geralt possesses the necessary items. If the ritual is performed correctly Daphne's spirit will be freed from the tree and depart peacefully. If done incorrectly, Geralt will have to fight Daphne's Wraith, who behaves similarly to a normal Wraith.

1 The Wraith From The Painting

The Wraith From The Painting From The Witcher 3

In the quest, "Scenes from a Marriage," Geralt will tangle with the spirit of Iris von Everec. She is known as the Wraith from the Painting due to her mastery over the manor's many paintings. Iris can move between the canvases much like doorways and will give battle to Geralt when he refuses to leave.

The Wraith from the Painting operates as a normal specter, albeit with one notable difference. When damaged, Iris can heal herself by drawing power from a particular painting. The solution for the player is to slice whichever painting emits a greenish glow, thereby interrupting her. Using Yrden and specter oil will finish the rest of the fight.

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