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A core element of the combat in The Witcher series is preparation before a battle. Running blindly at monsters could get one eviscerated, scorched, consumed, or worse. Thankfully, there are many items that a witcher can create and then take into combat to aid against particularly dangerous adversaries. Bombs, weapon coatings, potions, and even food can give one an edge over the hideous fiends that need to be hunted down for the betterment of the Northern Realms.

RELATED: The Witcher 3: The Signs, Ranked By How Useful They Usually Are

Some may seem lackluster compared to others, but there is a tool for every task. Items with specific effects may not serve a general purpose, but at the right time, in the right place, they can deliver a weary witcher from certain defeat.

10 Dimeritium Bomb

Dimeritium bomb explosion

Since this is one of the bombs that don't usually do damage on their own, their usefulness is limited to only a few situations. Particularly because this bomb affects the witcher using it as well. Dimeritium is a material that blocks magic, which renders the witcher's signs useless for a time, though, against enemies that primarily use magic and little else, it can make certain hunts much easier. Elementals are particularly debilitated by this strategy.

9 Beast Oil

Bear in The Witcher 3

For most of the game, beast enemies are not too much of a threat. Wild boars and wolves may be dangerous if underestimated but are nothing compared to griffins and draconids. But, there are beasts mighty enough to challenge a witcher. Bears. These mountains of muscle equipped with massive canines and razor-sharp claws could rend a person to shreds, crunch their bones, and leave nothing behind but scraps. Against such deadly foes, one could use all the help they can get. Applying beast oil to one's weapon could help a witcher whittle down this furry fiend's huge pool of hit points before it takes theirs.

8 Basilisk Decoction

Basilisk from The Witcher 3

Using signs are a crucial part of combat, therefore increasing their intensity is always a boon. Consuming a Basilisk Decoction may only grant a buff at dawn and dusk, and to a random sign at that, but this effect can stack with others.

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And unlike most other potions, its effect lasts considerably longer. Many only stay within a witcher's system for half an hour, but the Basilisk Decoction remains for three times as long, making it useful for back-to-back hunts.

7 Meat

Counter in The Witcher 3

Raw meat is a fairly common drop one gets from creatures and is already fairly useful on its own. Eating it will regenerate one's health for a few seconds. Some foods are better than others, though. Raw meat, when cooked, gives the player fried meat. Cooking, in this game, is essentially a simpler form of alchemy. A process that turns moderately useful items into very useful ones, for fried meat not only has a longer-lasting regenerative effect but also heals more per second as well.

6 Dragon's Dream

Geralt fighting dragon in The Witcher 3

This bomb, despite its fearsome name, does not actually do any damage on its own. Because of this, most opt to use a Dancing Star for their choice of throwable fire damage. Tossing a Dragon's Dream grenade will only cause a cloud of mostly harmless gas to appear, but these vapors are highly flammable. But if combined with an Igni sign, or any other form of flames, this cloud will catch fire and deal massive amounts of damage; three times that of what a Dancing Star would do in the early parts of the game.

5 Black Blood

Geralt fighting vampire in The Witcher

Black Blood is not a buff, or an offensive potion, but one meant to surprise an enemy who thinks they've landed a blow upon the witcher. This potion tinges the warrior's innards so that vampires and necrophage enemies that encounter the witcher's blood will suffer a percentage of the damage they dealt out.

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For faster and more agile foes of this nature, who can occasionally get past one's defenses, Black Blood can cause these monsters to regret pressing the attack.

4 Butter

A plate of butter

This highly fatty food can be encountered in many taverns and houses throughout the Northern Realms, making it a common and easily acquirable source of health regeneration. It actually heals as many hit points as the best, and most expensive, food in the game like fried meat and baked potatoes, though being less than half of the price if bought. Free, if stolen. It is also very light and does not take up much inventory space, making it an ideal travel ration.

3 Moon Dust

cloud of silver around geralt and a lesser vampire.

Even though it sends slivers of silver flying everywhere, this bomb does not actually do damage. It is instead intended to prevent a monster from transforming. This can make slippery foes unable to perform some of their more annoying tactics. An example of this would be if one were fighting a Leshen who continues to transform into birds and give the witcher a run-around. With a pale cloud engulfing the area, this tricky foe would have no means of evading one's attacks.

2 Hanged Man's Venom

Geralt riding horse hanged man tree

Men, elves, and dwarves are not too dangerous since they lack huge claws, acidic regurgitations, and tremendous size. At least on their own. But in large groups they can overwhelm even a witcher. Especially if there is a mix of foes like swordsmen backed by archers. In many battles with multiple enemies taking down individual foes quickly can alleviate a lot of stress and injury. The best way to do that is by coating one's steel blade with Hanged Man's Venom for additional damage against humans and non-humans.

1 Blizzard

The snow-covered trees in a forest in The Pale

For those times when one foe can be felled quickly, but there are many more, Blizzard is a potion one should consider using. It may require some rare ingredients to create and only lasts fifteen seconds, but one would not need much more than that. Blizzard allows the player to slow time and unleash a storm of strikes before one's adversaries can even blink. Any band of brigands or pack of wolves foolish enough to ambush a witcher carrying this potion won't live to regret it. They won't even live long enough to realize their mistake before the concoction is quaffed and a blade pierces their skull.

NEXT: Witcher 3: Every Mutation, Ranked By Their Usefulness