Fall 2023 is jam-packed with AAA releases that reach just about every major genre, from sidescrolling platformers to third-person adventures. One game in particular is kickstarting the festivities, as Bethesda's highly anticipated Starfield is set to release in the first week of September. Todd Howard and company's space epic has been the topic of frequent discussion from the moment it was announced, as Starfield's ambition is about as large as its procedurally-generated galaxy. When it's long-awaited release date finally comes, lots of gamers are sure to do everything they can to get their hands on it.

Starfield marks the first major step in a new direction for Bethesda Game Studios, as it's the developer's first action-RPG to release following the company's acquisition by Microsoft. While this has many Xbox fans excited, it leaves PC owners with a few questions, one of them being: will Starfield run on Steam Deck? Valve's powerful handheld has proven to be an impressive piece of hardware since it released, as it can play some of the most technically-intensive games available on Steam. With Starfield's level of ambition, however, it's currently unclear if it will be compatible with the portable PC.

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Games That Work on Steam Deck Explained

Screen Of The Steam Deck

The Steam Deck is one of the more unique gaming consoles out there, as, although it shares many similarities with the Nintendo Switch, its utility is far beyond that of Nintendo's popular hybrid console. Sure, it allows gamers to play a wide library of diverse games just like the Switch does, but it's the quality of those games that makes the Steam Deck stand out. Soulsborne epics like Elden Ring and adrenaline-drenched fighting games like Street Fighter 6 run smoothly on the Steam Deck just as they would on consoles or the most high-tech gaming PCs.

When it comes to what games don't work on Steam Deck, there aren't many. The vast majority of AAA releases on Steam are "Deck Verified", meaning they run on the system with little to no issues regarding performance or overall playability. The few games that are not Deck Verified are Deck Playable, which either means Valve has not yet gone through the process of fully verifying the game's compatibility on Steam Deck, or there are one or two small hangups that prevent it from being officially designated as verified. For Starfield, Valve's history of Steam Deck verification should work in its favor.

Starfield Should Run On Steam Deck Just Fine

Starfield flying spaceship below game logo

Starfield's future on Steam Deck is uncertain for now, but looking at all the other games verified for the handheld, it will likely run as well as any other expansive AAA game. It's already been confirmed that Starfield will be locked to 30 fps on consoles, and the Steam Deck is more than capable of consistently running games at 30 fps. In terms of scale, games with procedurally-generated worlds like No Man's Sky are verified for Steam Deck, which should be a good sign for Starfield. So long as the PC version of Starfield is well optimized, it should provide a pleasant experience on Valve's handheld.

Starfield is one game among a sea of new releases in fall 2023, but it does benefit from being one of the first to release during that period. While it won't release on as many systems due to its Xbox and PC exclusivity, the Steam Deck could prove to be an unexpected boon for the Bethesda title. Many gamers are still exploring the possibilities of the Steam Deck over a year after its release, and the potential of playing games as massive as Starfield is part of what makes the system so exciting. Hopefully when Starfield is released, gamers won't have to wait long to explore the stars wherever they'd like.

Starfield releases September 6 on PC and Xbox Series X/S.

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