The latest Wild Hearts trailer showcases a hunt for the giant tiger Golden Tempest and features unique gameplay for three different weapons. Wild Hearts has a difficult challenge ahead of itself, persuading fans of the Monster Hunter franchise to try something new. There's perhaps no better way of accomplishing that than just showing gameplay from one of Wild Hearts' challenging hunts. That way, interested players can see if Wild Hearts offers an experience suited to their tastes.

In Wild Hearts, the monsters are referred to as Kemono. Ten Kemono have already been revealed for the multiplayer action game, including the giant boar Kingtusk and the phoenix-like fire bird Amaterasu. Each one of the Kemono appears to have a deep connection to nature, as if they have some kind of deeper connection with nature or the primal elements. The Kemono, unfortunately, are not passive creatures. They rampage through Wild Hearts' setting of Azuma and so are hunted.

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The latest trailer for Wild Hearts focuses on a new Kemono, named Argane the Golden Tempest. The Golden Tempest is, obviously, a huge tiger. It's also imbued with a natural power over the wind element. The Golden Tempest was one of three Kemono first revealed during The Game Awards 2022, but the new trailer offers a much more in-depth look at fighting the creature.

Three weapons are showcased in the fight against the Golden Tempest. First is the Claw Blade, which the player uses efficiently to nearly never touch the ground. They dash in with quick slashes, attaching themselves to the Golden Tempest with a wire, and then dash out after. The second weapon is the Cannon, used to fire blasts both small and large from range. The third weapon showcased is the Karakuri Staff, which can either be used for quick attacks and high mobility or for heavy attacks and low mobility. Mastering the staff's different modes is likely to be a challenge.

Other exciting examples of Wild Hearts' gameplay from the trailer include the players' frequent use of Karakuri tools. Players set traps, build defenses, launch into and fly through the air using different Karakuri, and with all of it activated with the click of a button. Many Monster Hunter fans questioned the necessity of these tools, but seeing them in action may help convey how they enhance combat rather than detract from it.

There are other nods to Monster Hunter's formula for battling large beats. The Golden Tempest escapes the fight at one point, forcing the hunters to chase after it. There're also lots of loot after the fight concludes, though the players notably don't have to "carve" the Golden Tempest to acquire it. One of the players is also named Carted, a reference to when Monster Hunter players are knocked out mid-battle. Clearly, Omega Force developers know what kind of game Wild Hearts is and who will want to play it.

Wild Hearts releases February 17 on PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: 5 Things Wild Hearts Should Take From Monster Hunter World