Wild Hearts features a unique system of technologically advanced equipment known as 'karakuri.' These items are designed to encourage the player to think outside the box when approaching the game's various quests. Wild Hearts has three main areas where karakuri are essential to the overall gameplay: combat, camp-building, and traversal. One of Wild Hearts' greatest strengths is found in the player's ability to use karakuri from one group in completely unexpected ways.

A perfect example of this mechanic is found in the subject of this guide: the 'Flying Vine' karakuri. At first, this dragon-type karakuri is strictly used as a means of quickly zip-lining across regions to reach the target kemono. But as the player begins to upgrade the Flying Vine, more possibilities become available, eventually transforming the simple traversal tool into an incredibly useful weapon.

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How to Use the Flying Vine Karakuri in Wild Hearts


Basic Use:

Unfortunately, for all of its incredible weapons and equipment, Wild Hearts does not do the greatest job of clearly explaining how to use the fast number of items it offers. The 'Flying Vine' is an early example of this. To use this useful traversal tool, follow these steps:


1. When a suitable location has been chosen, hold down the L1 button and press up or down on the d-pad. Select the Flying Vine from the available dragon karakuri. Hold X/A to place.


2. Hold L2 to activate the karakuri, allowing the hunter to aim where they want to shoot the arrow. Per usual, a red reticule means the anchor arrow cannot be placed in that specific location; a white reticule means it's safe to shoot.


3. To mount the zipline, run towards the line holding R1. Keep holding R1 and press X/A to jump. As long as the player holds R1 after jumping, they will mount the line.


4. While on the line, the player can release R1. Hold down on the left stick to come to a stop, keeping holding down to turn around. If the player wishes, they can come to a dead stop and simply hang.


5. Continue on, placing Flying Vines anywhere the player needs to get high-to-low or low-to-high in a hurry. They can be used to cross broken bridges, or they can be used to cross the plains in a flash. There is no wrong way to use the Flying Vine. When playing online, visiting hunters may use the host's vines.

How to Use the Flying Vine Karakuri in Combat


Advanced Use:

As players make their way through Wild Hearts' extensive karakuri upgrade path, they will notice several that apply combat effects to the Flying Vine. The first, titled 'Flying Vine: Impaler,' simply makes it so hitting a kemono with a shot from the Flying Vine actually does damage.

Further down the path, players will see 'Enhanced Flying Vine,' which upgrades the entire system, making the entire rig sturdier and more suited to hunting.

To use the Flying Vine in combat, players simply follow the same steps as using it for traversal. It's important to note that the Enhanced Flying Vine is a completely separate karakuri, which uses water resources instead of wood.


Using the Flying Vine as a projectile does a considerable amount of damage, but truly skilled hunters will be able to ride the line to one of Wild Hearts' kemono and swiftly attack; this will require quick thinking and the right moment, but when it works, the results are incredibly cool.

The Flying Vine does not cost celestial thread when it is conjured, making it a great alternative when running low on Wild Hearts' essential resource. Instead, it draws from the dragon pits. If players wish to use the Flying Vine in combat, they must ensure that the dragon pits in the region will support their use. Continue to upgrade them throughout the game to ensure this is never an issue.

The best part about Wild Hearts' karakuri system is the fact that the hunter can think up ways to use them that were never intended. Keep this in mind when heading out for the hunt.

Wild Hearts is available on PS5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC.

MORE: Wild Hearts: Where To Find Pre-Order And Karakuri Edition Items