From the moment players enter the monster-filled world of Wild Hearts, there is little doubt that the game aims to provide a real challenge. With a game loop inspired by popular hunter-style games, players learn quickly not to underestimate Wild Hearts' 'kemonos.' Players unfamiliar with this game style will likely face a steep learning curve, but even veterans of the genre may have trouble with the games hardest bosses.

While the first kemonos the player will face are certainly not easy, it is the early encounter with the Kingtusk that demonstrates how players may have to rethink their approach. Acting as the game's first 'boss,' this kemono is a ferocious enemy, seemingly never giving the player time to react, let alone plan. But as is customary with the hunter genre, every enemy has a weakness, and learning to exploit the Kingtusk's is the quickest way to achieve victory.

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Where to Find the Kingtusk in Wild Hearts


The initial Kingtusk fight often begins in the central-eastern region of Harugasumi Way, though it is possible for the kemono to travel along a pre-determined path that covers several parts of the region. No matter where the fight starts, it will end up passing through several key areas. The game does a decent job of teaching the player to hunt quest-specific kemono using the Hunting Tower. This will track the Kingtusk, allowing the hunter to hold L2 and reveal the trail directly to the boss arena. Use Wild Hearts fast-travel system to quickly reach the camp closest to the Kingtusk.

What Armor is Best for Fighting the Kingtusk?


First Fight:

The first time the player fights the Kingtusk, they will not have a wide range of armor to chose from. Given that the Kingtusk uses the wood-based attack style, which is identified by a small leaf symbol, the player should choose the armor that best defends against that. Remember, in Wild Hearts, armor ratings can go below 0, making it possible for players to have weaknesses.

The only starting armor with any wood-type damage resistance is the Fresh Fern set, though some players may have better armor based on their own progression rate. Defeating kemono will usually unlock new armor, so take a look at what is available at the forge before heading out on the hunt. Many of WIld Hearts upgrade materials will not be available until later in the story, but there are some craftable items in the early-game.

While the player will be extremely limited in what they can bring into the first fight with a Kingtusk, each subsequent battle will be slightly easier as better weapons, armor, and karakuri become available.

How to Defeat the Kingtusk Boss in Wild Hearts


Given that this is one of the earliest fights in the game, many of the helpful weapons and karakuri will not yet be available to the player. This makes the fight considerably more difficult, but not impossible.

Kingtusk Weaknesses:


Looking at the Kingtusk breakdown, it's clear that they have some key weaknesses. The first thing most players will notice is that the Kingtusk is extremely vulnerable to fire, but without any elemental weapons or karakuri this early in Wild Hearts' story, that will have to be set aside.

For now, notice that the beast is equally weak to blue slash (swords) and green pierce (bow,wagasa) type weapons. At this point in the game, that will be the Karakuri Katana and the Nodachi for the sword-type, and the Bow and Wagasa for the piercing-type. With a system of one-to-five stars, both types are rated at four stars, so it will really come down to play-style. The Kingtusk is much less vulnerable to bludgeoning weapons like the Maul.

The Kingtusk's head is by far the most vulnerable point on its body, with a five-star rating. Be careful when heading in to attack at close range as the massive tusks can do considerable damage, and take very little damage themselves. All other body parts have a three-star vulnerability rating.

Kingtusk Fight Tactics:

  • Look to utilize blue weak spots on the Kingtusk's body. Attacking these areas can cause far more damage, and will likely be the best method of wearing the beast down.
  • Remember to use Hunter's Arm - When a blue weak spot is revealed, climb the Kingtusk's body the same way a cliff is climbed, using R1 to latch on. Move to the area that is glowing blue, and when the prompt appears, hold L2 to plunge an arm into the beast, ripping the weak spot from its body. Using this technique will temporarily increase the hunter's maximum thread count.
  • Do Not Button Mash - this will be the death of so many players. This fight - the whole game, really - is meant to be approached methodically. Learn to slow down, hunters have three 'lives' to complete a hunt, and will lose precious kemono orbs when one is lost. It's far better to draw out a fight then to mash buttons and lose everything.
  • Use the powerful R2 specials - when using certain weapons, including both sword types, there will be a blue bar in the bottom left corner. When this bar fills, holding R2 will unleash a powerful special function.

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How to Defend Against the Kingtusk's Attacks


The Kingtusk has a wide range of attacks, mostly using its body to bludgeon the hunter into submission. Though Wild Hearts does not utilize health bars for its kemono, they do have two distinct stages that the player can use to judge where the fight is at. The 'enraged' state is distinguished here buy a red aura, glowing orange tusks, and a generally more aggressive demeanor. Use the following tactics to avoid taking damage whenever possible:

Area of Effect Attacks:

  • The Kingtusk will often raise several patches of wooded spikes around its base, especially when the hunter spends too much time hacking away at its legs. Look for small clouds of dust, which act as a sign that the attack is coming. This can cause considerable damage, so pay close attention when hovering around directly beneath the beast.
  • A common attack will see the Kingtusk rise until it is standing directly above the player on its hind legs. It will wait a moment to try and trick the player into dodging early. It will slam into the ground, essentially making the entire area beneath it unsafe. Players can simply run away to avoid the damage, or roll beneath its legs as it starts to fall, allowing for several attacks to the rear as it stands back up.
  • The Kingtusk will also raise up, not as high as it's massive standing attack, but partially, and slam down into the ground. This will release a path of wooded spikes shooting forward directly in front of the kemono. Use the slide dodge or spring to quickly get out of the way
  • Finally, when changing states, or when entering a new area while enraged, the Kingtusk will create a massive wall of tree-height spikes. This will fill a massive circular area around the beast, so the only real defense is to run as soon as the player sees the tell-tale dust forming in a large circle around the kemono.

Using Karakuri Against the Kingtusk:

  • Look for the L1 prompt - while fighting the Kingtusk, the hunter will gain access to a powerful new type of karakuri known as Bulwark. This is how Wild Hearts introduces plays to fusion karakuri, which is using either multiples of the same karakuri, or combinations to create something new.
  • The Bulwark is a massive wall that is made from six cube karakuri. The best time to deploy this is when the Kingtusk begins digging its front paw in the ground, preparing to charge. Hold L1 and press the square, X, or PC equivalent six times to create the wall. If the Kingtusk charges directly into it, it will be flung into the air and remain stunned for several seconds.
  • Use the Spring karakuri to move or dodge quickly, especially if wielding a heavy weapon like the Nodachi.

How to Fight the Kingtusk in Co-Op Mode


Players who are struggling to defeat the Kingtusk may want to consider asking for assistance from other hunters. Wild Hearts allows teams of two or three players to take on missions and hunts throughout the entire game. Use the following methods to ask for help:

  • Ask For Assistance - This is by far the easiest way, as players need only hold down on the d-pad when prompted. Pay close attention to the right side of the screen when setting out on a hunt, as anytime assistance is available, the game will let the player know.
  • Ask from Map - Once the Kingtusk has been discovered by the Hunting Tower, the player can hover over its icon to reveal an assistance prompt. Press the appropriate button to automatically request help.

These will be the best options for this specific task, though players have several more options for either joining a session or requesting help. Using the Play Online section in the camp fire menu allows hunters to search for the exact sessions they's like to join. Hunter's Gates allow the player to join other sessions from within the world.

Fighting the Kingstusk Again


Once the Kingtusk has been defeated, players will move on to the next section of Wild Hearts, but that doesn't mean that they are done with the Kingtusk. Given that the beast supplies several important upgrade materials, hunters are likely to engage with the kemono multiple times. Here are some key thought to keep in mind for the next Kingtusk fight:

  • Use Fire - More than anything else, fire will help dispatch the Kingtusk with shocking efficacy. Whether it's a fire-infused weapon, or the torch karakuri, anything that adds fire to an attack will cause the Kingtusk to lose much of its bite.
  • Use upgraded armor and talismans to vastly improve the hunter's chances at success.

Wild Hearts is available now for PS5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC.

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