Wild Hearts, just like really any monster-hunting game, requires a lot of grinding. Sure, players can get by with minimal amounts if they're only crafting a couple of weapons or armor sets, but most people who play games in this genre tend to try and build everything.

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For that, players are going to need to know where to find materials. Golden Hematite, in particular, has seemingly eluded a lot of Wild Hearts players, so let's go over where to find it exactly.

How To Get Golden Hematite & Where To Find It

Wild Hearts - Highlighting Possible Golden Hematite Locations On Map

First off, this mineral is found in Akikure Canyon's rocky outcrops and caves. Second, it can only be found from Chapter 3 onward (just like Sakura Stone and Demon Rock), any earlier and all players will find is Mirror Stone. After reaching Chapter 3, players can hop into Akikure Canyon and look around for these open geodes with a goldish-yellowish crystalline material inside. Each of Wild Hearts' maps uses the same model for each regional ore variant, just of a different color. Harugasumi Way is Red, Akikure Canyon is Yellow, and Fuyufusagi Fort is Blue.

To find Golden Hematite in particular, players will want to hug any rocky areas on the map and run through any of the caves, as seen in the image above with the areas highlighted in yellow. In particular, there's the long winding underground area with a Camp Location called the Buddha Cave that's almost entirely rock and has a lot of Golden Hematite spawns. It takes a bit to run through these long paths, so Flying Vine Dragon Karakuri can be really handy to use here.

Easiest Methods Of Farming Forging Materials Including Golden Hematite

Wild Hearts - What Golden Hematite Geode Looks Like Up Close

All that said, this is not at all the most efficient method of farming Forging Materials. Instead, players will want to get the Tsukumo Ore Shrine Dragon Karakuri as soon as possible. Once they've unlocked this (which can be done long before Chapter 3), place as many of them as possible at the Camp the player uses the most in Akikure Canyon and then check on them every half hour or so.

Tsukumo Ore Shrines use Tsukumo to gather nearby Forging Materials (both general Forging Materials and region-specific ones) automatically. And, if the player loads into the map in at least its Chapter 3 version, then the rewards from these Ore Shrines can also include Golden Hematite. That said, it is random, so it is a bit dependent on luck, but thankfully Forging Materials of all types sell for a decent price to the Crimson Treasury, so even bad luck with these Shrines can mean more money.

Other than that the only other real 'method' out there for farming this Forging Material without dedicating time 'specifically' towards looking for it is to hunt Kemono that tend to be located in (or run away to) the Akikure Canyon Caves, such as the Fumebeak, Sporetail, or Gritdog. Then, when chasing after it or even traveling to its starting location, grab any nearby Materials the hunter passes along the way. Of course, this won't build up a lot of immediate Golden Hematite, but it's the best method for anyone who isn't able to sink hundreds of hours into this game.

Wild Hearts is available now on PS5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC.

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