For those that loved playing Wii Sports when it was released nearly fifteen years ago, Nintendo Switch Sports was a nice release to see after the series had its last entry on the Wii U. The new game is similar to the original as it only has a small number of sports to choose from.

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While Nintendo Switch Sports saw a nice launch and has a good community around it, it has not reached the heights of Wii Sports yet. This could be a case of lightning not striking twice for Nintendo, but it could also be there were some things about Wii Sports that it does better than Nintendo Switch Sports.

7 Wii Sports Has Baseball

A Mii swinging a bat in Wii Sports

Both of the releases launched with only a handful of sports for players to try, with Nintendo Switch Sports promising that they will be adding Golf in the future, a sport from the original Wii Sports. However, one sport that doesn't have a clear future in the new game is baseball.

The delightful sport was one of the more beloved ones on the Wii as it focused on players either pitching or hitting, with fielding being less of a priority. It was a game that gave players the opportunity to swing their remotes and see if they can get home runs. There is no equivalent sport that has replaced it in the new game.

6 Boxing Was Included

A Mii resting after boxing in Wii Sports

While baseball got the shaft, another surprising omission by Nintendo Switch Sports was not bringing back boxing. Nintendo has a rich history of boxing games and has not developed one for the Switch yet, so this would have been the perfect time to get people back into punching the air in their living room.

It's even more shocking that boxing was omitted, but a sport like Chambara was. The two sports have similar elements, with one using a sword and the other using gloves. The technology is there to make a boxing game that almost directly copies what Chambara is doing, so it is a head-scratcher that there is no plan to add it.

5 A More Iconic Soundtrack

Tennis in Wii Sports

Nintendo is known for making amazing video games over the years, but when beginning to dissect some of their best games, one aspect that is almost always clear is how committed they are to providing their games with outstanding soundtracks.

Nintendo Switch Sports has a pretty straightforward soundtrack that fits the vibe of a fun sports game, but it does not nearly reach the level of the soundtrack to Wii Sports. From the theme song to the songs that played during specific events, the game made players feel special from the moment they turned it on.

4 There's A Training Mode

Tennis Training in Wii Sports

While there are a few different modes to choose from in Nintendo Switch Sports, the game does not provide any major side challenges to the sports they have to offer. There is not even a mode where players can practice their skills outside just playing alone.

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In Wii Sports, there is a full-blown Training Mode that includes 15 mini-games across five sports. These modes were not just great tools to learn how to play each of the sports, but they also rewarded players with medals for getting specific scores in each game. It was a fun way to get people better prepared to take on others.

3 You Won't Lose Out Playing Offline

04 Relaxation Collection screen for Nintendo Switch Sports

Nintendo's online services were barely in their infancy when the Wii was launched, so Wii Sports was purely a game about playing with friends in person. That is where Nintendo Switch Sports may have the upper-hand on the original as players can play every sport online.

However, those who prefer to play offline will lose out on earning cool gear and outfits for their characters as cosmetics require players to earn points through online play. Wii Sports is what its sets out to be and doesn't make it so that players who only play specific modes lose out on other aspects.

2 Embracing The Mii

The Mii selection screen in Nintendo Switch Sports

One of the clear differences that became evident when Nintendo Switch Sports was announced is that the game wanted to move on from the classic Miis and instead introduce fresh-looking character models called Sportsmates. Luckily, those who like their Mii can still use it.

Unfortunately, some of the cosmetics that players earn while playing online can only be worn by the Sportsmates, making it clear that Nintendo wants players to use these new avatars. Wii Sports introduced Miis to the world as the faces of the game, so those who love these goofy characters will find more love for them in the original.

1 It's Free With A Wii

Golfing on Wii Sports

One of the biggest reasons why Wii Sports was so successful is that it was a launch game for the Wii. Everyone who got their hands on the new console received a disc in a sleeve completely free with the console to try out as a fun tech demo. It just turned out the game was one of the best Nintendo has put out at launch.

Nintendo Switch Sports, on the other hand, has come out five years since the Nintendo Switch launched and is being sold at $40.00. And while many people will still purchase this game because it is a solid call back to an all-time classic, it would have been better if this game was ready to go when the Switch entered the market in 2017.

Nintendo Switch Sports is out now on Nintendo Switch.

MORE: Things Nintendo Switch Sports Does Better Than Wii Sports