With the PlayStation 5 reveal opening with the Rockstar logo, many assumed for a fleeting second that the Future of Gaming conference would give series fans their first look at the long-awaited Grand Theft Auto 6. Unfortunately, it turned out the logo was for a next-generation port of Grand Theft Auto 5, leading many to criticize the conference for putting a seven-year-old game at the forefront of the next step in the evolution of video games.

Seemingly, however, fans now know why Rockstar opted to show off a new version of its best selling game instead of the next iteration of the franchise, with a former producer for the studio discussing the decision on TikTok. Going by the username DarionL, the social media user elaborated on why he believes Rockstar and Sony made the decision to show off Grand Theft Auto 5, claiming it was purely because Grand Theft Auto 6 just isn't ready yet.

RELATED: Rockstar Games Leak Points to Next Project Being Something Other Than GTA 6

"Because I used to produce games for Rockstar tons of people are asking me why at the PlayStation 5 event did we get an announcement of an updated GTA 5 and not GTA 6," Darion begins, claiming "from a development standpoint, there's a lot of good reasons." He continues "I've made games for a lot of new consoles. It's really hard, tech is constantly changing and it's hard to make a triple-A game at launch. You just need more time." He also reminds viewers that "the cost of updating an existing game and making it way prettier is way cheaper, way easier than an all-new one."

He adds, "if I had to guess, I'd say GTA 6 isn't ready and GTA 5 will provide a nice stream of income and a fun Grand Theft Auto experience that everybody knows and loves within a year of the PlayStation 5 launching." DarionL's clear knowledge of the area means he's likely hit the nail on the head in terms of why Grand Theft Auto 5 popped up at the PlayStation 5 event rather than the sixth game in the franchise. From what fans have heard, it seems the game is indeed a ways off, with the title likely to make its appearance much later into the console's life cycle.

Of course, rumors surrounding the next entry in the Grand Theft Auto franchise aren't exactly hard to come by, with a number of sources claiming to know the game's current state, when it will release, and what it'll be about. Hopefully, fans will get some solid confirmation on these claims sooner rather than later, with Rockstar likely to speak more candidly about the game when its much closer to release.

Grand Theft Auto 6 is rumored to be in development.

MORE: Could Grand Theft Auto Ever Be As Successful As GTA 5?

Source: TikTok