In Fallout: New Vegas, there are four main factions that players can build an allegiance with. These include Caesar's Legion, Robert House, the New California Republic (NCR), and Independent New Vegas. Each faction has its own pros and cons, making it tough to decide which one to build a relationship with.

Though there are tons of other, smaller factions that you can side with as well, you will ultimately need to choose one of the big four in the end. Your choice will make a huge difference to the future of New Vegas, and how the Second Battle of Hoover Dam will play out. Here's everything you should know about each faction before making that decision.

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Caesar's Legion

fallout caesars legion

The history of Caesar's Legion is complex. A man by the name of Edward Sallow, along with a few group members including Bill Calhoun and Joshua Graham, visited the Grand Canyon to study the tribes in the area. After being captured by the Blackfoot tribe, Sallow saw that the tribe was lacking in warfare abilities. He decided to teach them how to defend themselves and fix their weapons, allowing them to defeat the other seven tribes in the area, allowing Sallow and his men to be free. Eventually, however, the tribe came to consider Sallow their leader, and he gave himself the name Caesar.

After forming the Legion, Graham and Caesar worked together to build a team built on the concept of total war. In other words, they attempted to take over and conquer every other tribe in the area. Anyone who resisted or refused to join ended up being crucified with no mercy by Caesar's Legion. Eventually, Caesar's Legion chose to fight against the NCR in the First Battle of Hoover Dam. Though they had the advantage at first, they were overtaken by NCR while Graham was leading the Legion. In response, Caesar had a guard light Graham on fire and throw him into the pits of the Grand Canyon. This faction is one of constant battle and destruction.

Robert House

Robert House

Robert House founded RobCo Industries, and predicted the nuclear war back in 2065. He worked tirelessly to protect Las Vegas from the apocalypse, and ensure that he and the city survived. To protect himself, he chose to place his physical body on a life-support device and wire his brain to a supercomputer to prolong his existence. When the bombs dropped, House was able to protect Las Vegas from most of the bombs, but not all.

Robert House did a lot to protect New Vegas throughout the coming 200 years, though he lost power for a while after falling into a coma. When he rose again, he did all he could to take back the city for himself, and eventually he established himself as the president of the area. However, he was still on a mission to find the platinum chip he had lost, which would allow him to fully rise back into power again.

When choosing this faction, the player will do everything in their power to rid the area of Robert House's enemies, and return the platinum chip to him. This will allow him absolute power over New Vegas, serving as a dictator of sorts.

Most Powerful Enemies In Fallout New Vegas

Fallout New Vegas is filled with a wide array of enemy types. Here's a look at some of the absolute strongest found throughout the game.

New California Republic

Fallout New Vegas NCR Ranger overlooking the Mojave Desert New Vegas Strip trailer screenshot

The New California Republic was established by the vault dwellers who left Vault 15 around 2097 and established Shady Sands. The Vault Dweller Aradesh and his daughter Tandi brought the community together, began establishing trade routes, and eventually drafted a constitution to form the New California Republic. This consisted of five states around the area, including Shady, Los Angeles, Maxson, Hub, and Dayglow.

The New California Republic set up laws and politics, protected its citizens from crime, and improved living situations with electricity and water from the Hoover Dam. However, cracks started to show when a new president came into power, Aaron Kimball. This attempt to expand the New California Republic and take over more areas led to the Second Battle of Hoover Dam, where the player can choose to side with them to keep the faction alive.

Independent New Vegas


Choosing the Independent New Vegas faction essentially means siding with Yes Man, an AI robot working as Benny's assistant, who was Robert House's former right-hand man. This faction depends on whether the player chooses to give Robert House the platinum chip. If you choose not to, Robert House will be killed, and you can hand the chip over to Yes Man. This will allow him to take control of the Securitrons and hand over the power to you.

Taking power for yourself will allow you to take over the whole area, but your previous actions in the game will dictate how New Vegas turns out. This option gives players the ability to essentially choose whatever ending they want, and not have to bow down to any specific faction.

Fallout New Vegas: Best Starting Stats

Choosing how to allocate your SPECIAL stat points at the beginning of Fallout: New Vegas can be tough. Here's how to get started.

Which Faction Should You Choose in Fallout: New Vegas?


Choosing who to side with in Fallout: New Vegas is entirely up to you. Of course, there is no right answer. Each faction has its pros and cons, and most of them fall in a gray area when it comes to morality.

It also depends on how you want to play the game and portray your character. If you're wanting a more bloodthirsty playthrough, then Caesar's Legion could be the choice for you. If you want to emulate the city as it was before the nuclear war, NCR might be your best bet. Choosing Robert House's faction can lead to a clean and well-maintained city, but results in a bit of a dictatorship. Choosing to be independent will result in the fate of the city falling into the Courier's hands, who lacks leadership experience. Each will offer different endings for the city and your character, so choose how you wish the city of New Vegas to prosper in the end.

fallout new vegas
Fallout: New Vegas

PS3 , Xbox 360 , PC
October 19, 2010