Temtem, the Pokemon-esque MMO from developers Crema, had a shaky but popular launch this week. Although the game was plagued with server issues, the root of the problem was the sheer number of players who wanted to try it. For years the Pokemon fandom has been hoping for a true MMORPG adaptation of Nintendo's classic Pokemon series, and it seems in Temtem those hopes may finally be fulfilled.

As expected, Temtem borrows heavily from its Pokemon inspiration. Fans of the latter will be familiar with picking starter creatures, then catching, battling and breeding as they explore the world. They will also be familiar with the concept of Shiny Pokemon, which are known as Luma Temtem in Crema's game. Luma Temtem are colorful, sparkly versions of normal Temtem with greatly increased stats. They're the ultimate catch for any experienced trainer, but that doesn't mean they're easy to get.

RELATED: Temtem Looks Like the Pokemon MMO Fans Have Wanted for Decades

Needle in a Haystack

Shiny Pokemon have always been incredibly rare finds, and Luma Temtem are no exception. There is no special area to catch a Luma Temtem, and simply heading out into the routes and wilds of the Archipelago is the best place to start. Players shouldn't expect to stumble on a Luma with any kind of frequency however, or even see one at all.

The chances of an encountered Temtem being a Luma are a whopping 1 in 6000, incredibly long odds even by Pokemon-like standards. To make matters worse, there is currently no way for a player to increase their chances. These odds remain the same for breeding, and a combination of two non-Luma Temtem also has a 1 in 6000 chance of producing a Luma offspring.

temtem pokemon mmo

Other Methods

If a player has the incredible good-fortune of finding or breeding a Luma, their options will expand. Breeding together a Luma and Non-Luma Temtem will raise the chances of producing a Luma offspring to 1 in 600. Finally, breeding two Luma together has a 1 in 60 chance of producing another Luma, absolutely the best odds a player can get.

Completionist trainers disappointed by these incredibly low odds shouldn't be disheartened however, as the developers have already announced that things will be changing in the future. A new end-game area with much better chances of encountering a Luma Temtem is currently under development, along with improvements to the servers and bug-fixes.

Temtem is out now in early access for PC.

MORE: Temtem Type Chart Explains Advantages and Disadvantages