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Fairy Tail was one of the most popular animes in its time. As a matter of fact, it was one of the few anime that could challenge the Big Three (Naruto, Bleach, One Piece) in terms of popularity. So it’s no surprise that its spiritual successor, Edens Zero, achieved a similar level of success as well. When the first season hit the screen back in 2021, it became an instant hit and garnered tons of fans all over the world.

The fans love to follow Shiki as he travels across the galaxy with his trusted friends and allies aboard the legendary vessel, the Edens Zero, beating all kinds of bad guys with strange powers along the way. And now, the second season is finally upon us. So here are some of the things that you can expect from the second season of Edens Zero. Rest assured, we try our best to avoid any major spoilers.

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Adapting Volume 9 Through Volume 16

Edens Zero Manga Vol 9 Vol 16

For you manga readers out there, you might’ve noticed that the first season of Edens Zero adapted the story from the first volume of the original manga, all the way to the eighth volume. Or to be more precise, the anime adapted chapter 1 through chapter 68 of the manga. From the introduction of Shiki Granbell to the time the crew finds out about the tragic fate of Valkyrie, one of the Four Shining Stars.

We can assume that the second season will have relatively the same length as the first one. So based on that information, we can expect the second season to adapt another eight volume worth of story. Or to be more precise, the second season of Edens Zero would likely adapt volume 9 through volume 16 of the original manga, which translates into chapter 69 through chapter 140. So you can expect a lot of content from this upcoming second season of Edens Zero.

A Journey Into The New Cosmos

Edens Zero Shiki New City

At the end of the first season, Homura decided to take her late mentor’s position as one of the four shining stars. With this decision, the Edens Zero finally has all the shining stars on board, which means the ship can finally travel beyond the Sakura Cosmos. There will be some housekeeping to do before that, but once everything has settled down, Shiki and the rest of Edens Zero’s crew will venture into the new cosmos.

The first cosmos that they will go to is called the Aoi Cosmos, a place that is both strange and fascinating at the same time. Aoi Cosmos couldn’t be more different than Sakura Cosmos, both in terms of the overall looks and vibes, and also to the customs of the people who live there. Here, we’ll get to see Shiki and friends visiting different kinds of bizarre and mind-blowing planets and places, each with their own set of dangers and wonders.

New Characters, New Powers

Edens Zero Characters

The second season of Edens Zero will introduce tons of new characters to the series. Some are friendly to the crew, and would later become a crucial ally to Shiki, while others are enemies that can threaten not only the people aboard the Edens Zero, but also the entire cosmos. Other than that, there are also people who are enemies at first, but later turn out to be valuable friends. Some would even end up joining the rowdy people at Edens Zero.

New characters mean we would also get the chance to see new sets of powers. After all, no opponents wield the same powers in this series. From a weird power, such as an enemy that can shoot glue out of their body, to a downright unfair power, such as somebody who can freely bend space and time and create wormholes as he pleases. And as you might already expect, the people of Edens Zero will also gain new powers as they face increasingly tougher opponents in the Aoi Cosmos.

Bigger Enemies, More Epic Battles

Edens Zero Enemies

One of the most stand out features of the enemies in the Aoi cosmos is not only their numbers or the wide variety of their powers, but it is actually the scale of the danger that they bring to the table. You see, rather than facing a criminal boss and his henchmen that rule over a planet, Shiki and friends will be fighting against the strongest forces in the Aoi Cosmos. Shiki will find himself dragged into a battle that is way larger than himself. A battle that will decide the future of the citizens of the Aoi Cosmos. Needless to say, you can expect to see tons of epic fight scenes in this new season.

Carefully Hidden Plot Twists

Edens Zero Shiki Four Shining Stars

Although Edens Zero is an action/adventure series that puts a heavy emphasis on the exploration and the action sequences, you can still expect some heart-wrenching drama that can make you smile, sad, and even burn in rage. There are quite a few hidden plot twists that can induce those emotions in this second season of Edens Zero. Some are about Shiki himself, but there are also drama and plot twists involving other characters, particularly those aboard the Edens Zero. While we won’t give any details about these twists, just know that there are moments in this second season that will blow your mind.

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