Baldur's Gate 3 is one of those games that hides many different mysteries, and one of them is the Strange Ox. This outstanding creature surprises from the first encounter. In this detailed guide, fans will find valuable information on what the Strange Ox is in Baldur's Gate 3. In addition, fans will discover where to find this ox and how to talk to it. Let's not waste time and get started.

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BG3: What is the Strange Ox?

What is the Strange Ox in Baldur's Gate 3 (2)

So, the Strange Ox is a creature that is very different from other oxen. When players first meet this ox, it will not be very different, but as soon as users talk to it using the methods described below, they will immediately notice something strange in its behavior.

Although, at first, it will pretend to be an ordinary animal. The story of this ox is as mysterious as possible, and players still can't solve it. It wants to reach Baldur's Gate at any cost. Also, during one of the meetings, this ox will share a part of its story. And then the players will see countless corpses, which only raises more questions. However, if the players decide to kill it, the ox will turn into a multicolored monster that looks like a blob of slime.

BG3: Where to Find the Strange Ox

If users are wondering where they can find this ox, they will find all the necessary information below:

The First Encounter

The first encounter with Strange Ox will occur in Act 1, in the Emerald Grove near the entrance to the Druid's sanctuary. Players often do not notice it in this location because it stands next to other oxen. But if gamers move the cursor over it, it will be marked as Strange Ox.

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The Second Encounter

In Act 2, players will be able to meet this ox for the second time in the Last Light Inn in the Shadow-touched Lands. However, if fans want to meet it for a second time, it is important not to kill the Strange Ox during the first encounter.

The Third Encounter

The third encounter will take place in Act 3, namely in The Hollow area. It will stand there near the stone columns. And even here, it does not reveal its story. The only thing that becomes clear is that, most likely, it's not an ox at all.

BG3: How to talk to the Strange Ox

What is the Strange Ox in Baldur's Gate 3 (1)

Gamers won't be able to talk to the animals without additional actions, so they need to use one of the following methods:

  • Drink the Animal Speaking Potion
  • Use the Speak With Animals Spell
  • Transform into an animal

The last method is available only for druids.

Baldur's Gate 3 is out now on PC and is set to release on September 6th, 2023, for PlayStation 5. The Xbox version is also launching sometime in 2023.