After a couple of years, fans finally know what Pokemon Sleep is all about. This mysterious mobile phone game was announced back in 2019, but details about Pokemon Sleep’s gameplay have been scarce since. It was originally meant to release in 2020, but was since delayed.

This initially led some Pokemon fans to believe that Pokemon Sleep was canceled, but an SSL certificate registration in April 2021 indicated that this wasn’t the case. Then a Pokemon GO APK data mine from January 2022 hinted that Pokemon Sleep will have some compatibility with the upcoming Pokemon GO Plus accessory.

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The veil of secrecy surrounding Pokemon Sleep was finally lifted during the latest Pokemon Presents event. It all started with a charming and peaceful Pokemon Sleep trailer that showed many Pokemon fans setting cuddling up with their favorite Pokemon for a good night’s rest. After this, The Pokemon Company Chief Operating Officer Takato Utsunomiya explained Pokemon Sleep’s story and premise, which sees players partner with the iconic sleeping Pokemon Snorlax and a Pokemon sleep researcher named Professor Neroli to monitor the nighttime patterns of Pokemon.

To do this, Pokemon Sleep players simply have to leave their smartphone by their pillow when they go to bed at night. As they slumber, Pokemon Sleep tracks the user’s sleep patterns and classifies them under three different categories: Dozing, Snoozing, and Slumbering. Certain Pokemon are also sorted under these three sleep levels, and they will appear gathered around a sleeping Snorlax when the player wakes up in the morning. As they continue playing, Pokemon Sleep players can even uncover unique sleep styles for particular Pokemon breeds.

As the previous rumors have suggested, Pokemon Sleep is useful for more than just ensuring aspiring trainers get their recommended eight hours of sleep each night. The Pokemon Presents livestream also gave fans their first look at the new Pokemon GO Plus+ peripheral, which is used with Pokemon Sleep to track a user’s sleep patterns. It can also play soothing lullabies and alarm sounds courtesy of Pokemon’s ever-lovable mascot Pikachu.

Just as Pokemon GO helped trainers all around the world get their recommended amount of physical activity, Pokemon Sleep looks to encourage them to get a good night’s rest with the aid of their favorite collectible creatures. Only time will tell if the world embraces Pokemon Sleep, but this promising sleep-tracking app seems like it could be a fun way to unwind after a nightly session of Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.

Pokemon Sleep will launch in Summer 2023 for iOS and Android mobile devices.

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