For the longest time, Pokemon has been a series that follows Ash, the main protagonist, throughout all his journeys. So it's no doubt that with his recent accomplishment, having finally become World Champion that has left many fans celebrating Ash's true league victory for the first time nearly 25 years. Despite that, there is the most recent announcement of two new protagonists taking the mantle once Ash's final special episode premiers and comes to a conclusion. Which leaves many fans wondering, about the future. What does it mean to Ash to leave the stage as Pokémon's main protagonist, and what could this mean for the future of the Pokemon anime?

The Pokemon anime premiered on April 1st, 1997, with the premise of a world inhabited by humans and the wonderful titular creatures of immense variety. Fans have gravitated towards the anime as much as they gravitated towards the games, and most of this is thanks to its main protagonist Ash. Much like many at the time, he was just a young 10-year-old who many could understand and relate with. Throughout his journey we witness everything, from beginning to end. Which finally begs the question as to what his removal from the role of protagonist means in the long run.

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The Road To Victory

ash and pikachu

Ash has been the protagonist of the Pokemon anime ever since his premiere on April 1st, 1997, and over the course of the anime fans have witnessed his Pokemon journey. Traveling with various companions, catching myriads of Pokemon, challenging many powerful trainers, and traveling to many regions in the process. However, despite the total of 25 seasons, there has only been one league that Ash has officially won before his world champion victory in the final season. Despite that, Ash has managed to complete his journey, and becoming the best that no one ever was, as the story promised us from the beginning.

Of course, the journey took longer than expected. Ash has competed in many leagues, from the Kanto League all the way to the World Coronation Series where he defeated Leon, a champion who had remained undefeated for nearly ten years. Due to his bond with his Pokemon, and the accumulated experience of nearly 7 journeys under his belt, Ash managed to defeat Leon in a blow that many fans have celebrated thanks to their long years and relation to the story. Even in Japan, this is widely celebrated due to the 25 years of the Pokemon anime's runtime.

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Grand Changes

pokemon scarlet violet ash pikachu final episode anime performance issue dlc reveal

Still, what exactly does this mean at the end of the day? Ash has been a major part of the story for a long time, so it almost seems fitting for him to leave the anime as soon as his journey meets his end. However, perhaps the announcement to leave the story may leave many fans with a hole, considering that Ash may have had his ups and downs, but the fans are comfortable and familiar with him. Because of this, Ash's departure could change a lot about how Pokemon handles its anime and stories from now on. Since Ash is no longer the main character, and as a result being the World Champion at the end of the series, it is very likely we may see him again in future episodes. However, whether this is as a cameo or a side character is currently unknown, but considering the anime has a trend of making Pokemon champions relevant to the story as well as involved in the journeys of the main protagonists; it is very possible that Ash's involvement in the future may come sooner than many think.

On the other hand, it is very possible that Ash may be taken out of the anime altogether so that the new protagonists can have their own journeys to explore and not be tied to Ash, or bogged down by Ash's involvement. One of the reasons many enjoyed Ash's journey through the regions was that despite his numerous companions, his good-hearted and competitive personality resonated with many viewers. Hearing about Ash's departure, many fans could be either displeased or perhaps nostalgic of the old times when the only thing that many had to worry about, was whether Ash would win another Pokemon league or not. Of course, this doesn't necessarily change the formula of how the anime might proceed in the future. The anime has been a series of episodic plot's that accentuate the journey in the anime, giving viewers a look at the world of Pokemon in many ways.

Ash's journey may be finally over, however, this certainly doesn't mean that Pokemon will stop making the animated series. It's too big of a show to cancel simply because they are switching protagonists, and it is most likely that the new protagonists will leave off on the journey that Ash left off. The Paldean region is the most recent region to release in the games, and it is most likely the characters will make an appearance in this new region. Perhaps it might be a matter of trying to give the audience something familiar and new at the same time. Regardless, different characters and different dynamics may be established for the anime as the story progresses, and in due time we may be able to see Ash in the future. Whether as a prominent character or another champion that needs to be defeated, only the future knows. However, the fans can certainly celebrate for now, while looking forward for the new future of Pokemon soon to come, with new adventures, and new people to battle.

MORE: Pokemon Anime Crowns Ash as World Champion