With the unveiling of the Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth trailer during the original game's 25th-anniversary event, Final Fantasy 7 fans have been given a rough outline of the next installment's timeline. Similar to the three-disc nature of the original title, the next part of the Remake series marks the second entry in a trilogy.

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Knowing that Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth will be acting as the halfway point of the series, fans have begun guessing what the upcoming title will entail. The story points are relatively predictable, but the weaponry in the game's arsenal is slightly more difficult to foresee. Thankfully, the original Final Fantasy 7 can provide hints on the weapons destined to appear next.

10 Cloud's Yoshiyuki

Yoshiyuki Cloud FF7

Cloud's arsenal in Final Fantasy 7 Remake consisted of multiple heavy-hitting swords. Excluding his Nail Bat, the remainder of his weapons seem extremely impractical due to their exaggerated size and design.

If the player is given the option to journey to Rocket Town during the events of Rebirth, there is a high chance they will be able to once again purchase the Yoshiyuki: a katana-like weapon with a powerful feature. The original game saw this sword's full potential being unleashed if Cloud's fellow party members die in battle, doubling the damage it deals.

9 Yuffie's Oritsuru


The Oritsuru is arguably one of Yuffie's most practical weapons in the original title. With no shortage of Materia slots, this charming piece of origami can devastate her enemies in mere moments.

Harboring an incredible 90 Attack, the Oritsuru could easily be missed by the player if they were not careful. The weapon is found in Wutai, so Yuffie's depiction in the Intergrade DLC has all but confirmed its presence in the next entry.

8 Vincent's Death Penalty

Given the timeline of the original game, it is likely that Vincent Valentine will be joining Cloud as he explores the vast world of Gaia. The timeline of this retelling would suggest that developers may take a step back from Sephiroth's story to fully explore that of its other characters.

The Death Penalty is Vincent's most powerful weapon in the original game. To obtain it, the player must undergo a side quest where Vincent retraces his bittersweet past to reunite with his former lover, Lucrecia. This story will likely take place during Rebirth, so perhaps Vincent will be rewarded with the Death Penalty once again.

7 Aerith's Princess Guard

Princess Guard Aerith FF7

If the party is destined to venture to the Temple of the Ancients, there is a high chance they will come across Aerith's ultimate weapon, the Princess Guard. Due to Aerith's limited time in the original game, her most powerful weapon will likely be given to her during this second installment.

Though the fate of Aerith is currently unclear, there is still a chance she will survive in this story's retelling. Perhaps the Princess Guard will be given a longer time in the spotlight than its polygon predecessor.

6 Cloud's Fusion Sword

Confined to its appearance in Final Fantasy 7: Advent Children, fans have never been permitted to wield these blades themselves. With the unpredictable nature of the series' future, it may return as a usable weapon for Cloud at some point in the Remake trilogy.

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The updated Buster Sword is arguably even more iconic than Cloud's base weapon in the series. With the ability to separate into an array of smaller blades, the Fusion Sword is undoubtedly the most practical weapon in Cloud's arsenal.

5 Kadaj's Souba

Wielded by Kadaj during the events of Advent Children, Kadaj's Souba appears to be a simple amalgamation of two Masamunes. Since the destiny of the story has been greatly altered, this weapon may appear in Sephiroth's arsenal during the Nibelheim flashback.

Though the player was unable to control Sephiroth directly in the original game, this new entry may change that fact. Depending on how long the player is permitted to spend with Sephiroth, there is a chance that he will be customizable, offering the player the ability to change his weapon.

4 Cid's Flayer

Cid's Flayer FF7

If Cid is to appear in Rebirth, it may also be possible to obtain his second most powerful weapon, the Flayer. This elegant spear-like blade is hidden behind the confines of one of Gold Saucer's most arduous mini-games.

Given the timeline of this new entry, Cloud will likely be venturing to this giant casino as he explores the expansive world beyond Midgar. The player must score a minimum of 5,000 points in the Speed Square game to obtain it, so a dedicated mini-game player may be gifted this weapon as compensation for their efforts.

3 Tifa's Motor Drive

Motor Drive Tifa FF7

If Tifa is to journey to Costa del Sol during the events of Rebirth, she may likely come into the possession of a motorized pair of knuckles. Unlike Tifa's primary means of combat, these mechanical fists echo notions of a steampunk aesthetic.

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The inclusion of these gloves could mark a unique change to Tifa's abilities by incorporating an entirely new design to the gauntlets she is more commonly seen wielding. Found in the Villa Cloud basement, the player may have to search carefully to locate them.

2 Barret's Rocket Punch

Barret Rocket Punch FF7

The inclusion of the Rocket Punch in the Remake sequel could provide Barret with a much-needed combat update. Though his abilities as a gunslinger are unmatched by any of his peers, many players will usually opt to use Tifa and Aerith in his place for more challenging encounters.

Barret is best known for his ability to attack his foes from a distance, often resulting in many ignoring the power behind his punches. With much of Barret's power confined to the physical hit, the Rocket Punch may finally give the player a reason to utilize his slower approach to combat, but that depends on how effective it is in the sequel.

1 Red 13's Magic Comb


Red 13's late introduction in Remake resulted in very little being revealed about his combative means. It is safe to assume he wielded a pair of Mythril Clips as they were his base weapons in the original game, but little else is known about his secretive arsenal.

With the introduction of the Fort Condor mini-game in Yuffie's Intergrade DLC, the party will likely be journeying to the location on which it is based during Rebirth. By successfully conquering Fort Condor's challenges, Red will be rewarded with a multicolored feather known as the Magic Comb, so perhaps the Intergrade mini-game was introduced to hint at its return.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is scheduled to release in Winter 2023.

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