
  • Geodude, despite being a strong Rock-type Pokémon, has an unusually high number of weaknesses, including steel, fighting, water, grass, ground, and ice.
  • Tyranitar, a rock-dark combination type Pokémon, has impressive strength but surprisingly has seven different weaknesses, including fighting, ground, bug, steel, water, grass, and fairy moves.

There are a huge number of Pokémon nowadays, with the most recent releases bringing the total number to over 1000. Over the last few decades, the Pokémon brand has grown, and so has the number of mixed types that Pokémon commonly have. While this diversifies the types of moves and strengths that Pokémon have, it also creates some with an awful lot of glaring weaknesses.

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Pokémon types each have certain strengths and weaknesses, and some types have more weaknesses than others. While this means there are some Pokémon who are particularly strong and have few type weaknesses, it also means there are some with a great many.

8 Geodude

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One of the lovable and well-remembered Pokémon from the very first generation, Geodude is a rock-ground type Pokémon. Unfortunately for him, despite having great resiliency and strength against normal and other types of moves, today a Pokémon like this actually has one of the highest number of type weaknesses possible in the franchise.

Geodude is weak against steel moves, as well as water, grass, ground, and ice. This is a crazy number of ways to get a kill against a Geodude, or his evolutions in Graveler and Golem. Unfortunately for fans of this lovable rock, there are a lot of weaknesses featured in his repertoire, but he is still a strong Rock-type Pokémon.

7 Shiftry

pokemon go shiftry best moveset

A strange Pokémon, Shiftry, and its pre-evolution in Nuzleaf have got a few glaring weaknesses that players who want to use them will have to be careful about. n theory, he is a relatively strong Pokémon, but in any of the actual games, his ridiculously high number of weaknesses make him one of the weakest third evolutions available to players.

Shiftry is a dark-grass Pokémon, with a total of seven separate type weaknesses. These are fire, ice, fighting, flying, fairy, poison, and bug. This huge list makes it likely that Shiftry will get taken out before proving himself useful in battle. Interestingly, the lowest form of Shiftry is Seedot, which is only a grass type and therefore has fewer weaknesses than him.

6 Terrakion


Terrakion is a legendary Pokémon, so it is surprising to find it on a list of the weakest available, and it is in fact an incredibly useful Pokémon to have around, as are any legendaries which players can capture throughout the Pokémon franchise, despite being strong enough to destroy a castle on its own, Terrakion has a huge number of glaring problems.

As a rock-fighting Pokémon, Terrakion is not immune to the massive seven-type weaknesses that it has problems against. These include fighting, ground, steel, water, psychic, fairy, and grass. All of these will stand a fighting chance even against this legendary due to type weaknesses being so prevalent in Pokémon battles.

5 Parasect

Pokemon Grass Type Johto Gen 2 Parasect

Another Pokémon from the first generation, Parasect is one of the early Pokémon to have a combination type that provides a huge number of weaknesses. While many combination types didn’t appear until later generations, one that has always been popular is the Bug-Grass combo.

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Parasect featured this typing, and unfortunately, that left it with six different weaknesses. These were flying, poison, rock, bug, fire, and ice, including a 4x weakness to fire that made it especially vulnerable due to both grass and bug being weak against fire moves. Parasect isn't even one of the stronger early-generation grass types, unfortunately.

4 Tyranitar

Tyranitar Art

One of the less common types in the game, Tyranitar is an absolute beast who is a rock-dark combination type. This combination sounds strong in theory, and indeed, Tyranitar is absolutely amazing in a battle against many other Pokémon, but he does shockingly have seven different weaknesses due to his typing.

ng a pseudo-legendary Pokémon, Tyranitar is weak against fighting, ground, bug, steel, water, grass, and fairy moves. All of these will have a shot in battle against Tyranitar despite the high stats and imposing nature of this beastly Pokémon.

3 Celebi

Pokemon Johto Region Celebi

Another legendary Pokémon with an incredible amount of power, Celebi is considered a highly dangerous Pokémon in general. Despite being small in stature, Celebi can absolutely destroy most other creatures in any of the games. However, the grass-psychic nature of this Pokémon does leave it with several type weaknesses.

Flying, poison, bug, ghost, fire, ice, and dark moves can be used to a super effective degree against Celebi in the games. Despite being one of the few Pokémon that is considered both mythical and legendary, this dangerous creature can be beaten if players have got a wide variety of types in their team.

2 Solrock

the sun shaped pokemon

Solrock, and the equally powerful Lunatone, are a pair of extremely powerful-looking Pokémon, and do have a number of advantages, such as levitating off the ground so that ground moves don’t work on them. However, these rock-psychic types have several significant numbers of move types that they are weak against.

Bug, ghost, steel, water, grass, and dark moves can all be useful against either Solrock or Lunatone, proving that these rare Pokémon aren’t quite as impenetrably strong as they seem. Still though, facing off against something with the sturdiness of a rock type and the dangerous power of a psychic type makes for a scary combination, not one of the more common type combinations.

1 Snover

pokemon go spotlight hours

Despite having a very fun and unusual typing, Snover is a Pokémon with some particularly glaring weaknesses to it. Snover is a rare ice-grass combination, and his family tree is revered and powerful, however, this typing comes with some particularly dangerous weaknesses.

Having a total of seven different weaknesses, Snover can be beaten using fighting, flying, rock, bug, poison, steel, and fire moves. The real kicker with Snover is that fire moves do 4x damage, making it a particularly glaring weakness, due to fire moves being super effective against both ice and grass types. However, this type helps Snover become one of the stronger ice Pokémon.

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